
3 Invaluable Lessons for the Hopeful Startup Founder

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3checkboxesWhen launching a brand new business, getting good advice early on can make the difference between success and failure. This is why many startup founders choose to work with advisory boards consisting of a group of experienced people who help point them in the right direction   when things get rough. Even though there are many benefits associated with having a group of experts by your side as you take your idea into the realm of reality, most startup founders choose to ‘go it alone’. If you’re a lone wolf so to speak who is about to launch a new business venture, here are three invaluable lessons to keep in mind which will help increase your chances of succeeding in your new business venture.

Building a Business is an Ongoing Process and Not a One Time Deal

Building a business involves much more than just putting your plan into action and hanging out the “Open For Business” sign. If you have a grand vision of running a business wherein everything will just work itself out in your favor, you are in for a big surprise to say the least. What you can expect to happen is that you will face many issues and problems along the way that may seem impossible to overcome and solve. You’ll experience times where it seems for every step forward, you take two steps back  Every business owner and especially during the  startup phase, faces problems and roadblocks and sometimes many of them.

It’s important to realize that your business won’t succeed and grow if you’re not dedicated to working hard and making tough decisions. You’ll have to take some risks that put everything on the line. Building a successful business takes time. It’s almost certain that you will have to make some sacrifices along and fast decisions when facing problems or dilemmas. Yes, there will be moments when you feel like giving up as sometimes the obstacles before you will seem insurmountable. However, with dedication, determination and lots of persistence, your hard work will lead you in the right direction toward succeeding.

Success Won’t Happen Overnight So Don’t Expect to Get Rich Fast

Many startup founders admit to dreaming of going from rags to riches in a very short period of time. If you have those types of dreams, it’s important that you realize that most things associated with getting a business up and running well take longer (and even cost more) than what you originally planned for. From developing your products to finding an investor, everything is likely to take more time than you expected. While the idea of owning a business sounds wonderful, many people who decide to take the leap into business ownership are simply not prepared as they jump right in with no preparation and little knowledge of what they’re doing or of what to expect.

It’s all-to-common for people to think that startup success is easy and requires just a few quick steps. Many people think they just need a great idea that involves offering a very desirable product in order to rake in loads of money shortly after launch. If startup success was really that easy, literally everyone and their brother would be a successful entrepreneur!

Startups that do succeed are run by people who don’t have unrealistic expectations. Instead, they understand that running a business requires them to work long and hard. The breakout successes in the business world are few and far between. There’s actually a greater likelihood that you’ll be struck by lightening than there is of you becoming an overnight business success so keep things in perspective.

You Must be Willing to Learn and Ask for Help When You Need It

No one likes a know-it-all and taking on that mindset certainly won’t help you succeed in the business world. The most successful entrepreneurs learn all they can and they never stop learning. They say when we stop learning, we’re merely existing and how true that is! Read, listen and seek advice from industry experts. Many people become too comfortable after being in business  for a while wherein they stop learning and growing. Make it a point to regularly attend webinars, training sessions, conventions and meetings related to your industry. Then apply what you  earn to your business. In addition to learning all the ins and outs of your industry, it’s equally important to learn about other areas like sales, marketing, administration, PR, finance and pricing.

Finally, don’t be afraid to ask for help as there is nothing wrong with doing so. Nobody knows everything including you. You will always have questions so be open to asking for advice. If you think you’d benefit from having a mentor, then find one. Just make sure the person you choose is someone who has already accomplished the things you want to accomplish.

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