Marketing Success Sales & Marketing

3 Reasons Mobile-Minded Marketing Is More Important Than Ever

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Here’s a question: When was the last time you saw a flyer advertisement for a business? Or when was the last time you came across a retail store without a website or some sort of social media presence?

It’s 2021. The world has made the shift into a mobile, digital-friendly place–and businesses can’t leave themselves behind. Because of this, mobile marketing tactics are becoming a way more successful route when it comes to promoting your business.

But why is mobile marketing so important in 2021? Here, we’re outlining three reasons.

1. Smartphones Are the Standard

With about 300 million smartphone users in the U.S alone, it’s safe to say that having a smartphone is standard. And it’s not just devices that consumers have in the palm of their hands. The internet, business apps, mobile retail, and even information on your own business are available to view any place, any time.

Meaning, this is your time toshine.

Since consumers are constantly on their phones, implementing mobile marketing tactics like social media, scheduled text messaging, blogging, and crafting an original website are extremely important to gain attention and drive your business up and up.

2. Mobile eCommerce Is Taking Over

Rather than running out to the store, 39 percent of smartphone users are more likely to browse or shop from a store’s mobile app because it is easier and less time-consuming.

Mobile eCommerce, by 2023, will account for over three-quarters of all eCommerce sales. In response to this rise, it’s essential to implement mobile marketing strategies to take advantage of this upward-trending market. Starting a social media page, for instance, is one of the most effective ways to drive traffic to your eCommerce site

3. Standing Out Is In

One of the most impressive things about the digital age is this: There’s a whole lot of creativity to go around. Between using video and animation to promote products or utilizing audio and podcasts to draw attention to a business, there are plenty of unique and mobile-minded marketing strategies.

After all, Facebook users spend an average of 40 minutes a day watching mobile videos on the app. It’s wise to acknowledge these mobile marketing statistics and use them to inform your business plan — for instance by budgeting for videos to gain the attention of digital consumers.

So, consider this your PSA that it’s time to save a tree and cut back on the old-school print marketing in favor of incorporating mobile marketing strategies into your business plan. There’s no more denying we’re in the digital age — and your marketing strategies should be, too.

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