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3 Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Business Website

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In a sea of overwhelming digital presence, how can you get your business noticed? What can you do to increase traffic to your website? These are critical questions entrepreneurs are faced with as they try to generate credible leads for their companies. Most importantly, because 70-80% of people set out to research a company online before making an actual purchase, it is vital to think up new ways to revamp your digital presence. Let’s look further into this.

1. Make Your Website Look Professional

This requires a great deal of objectivity; take an unbiased look at your business’ website and be brutally honest with your findings. If this is too cumbersome to do by yourself, ask a trusted friend or colleague to assess on your behalf. Sometimes, a fresh pair of eyes will see details you ordinarily wouldn’t have observed. First of all, are your graphics of professional quality?

Does your website have a color scheme that appeals to the potential customer? Do you have conformity in your website’s fonts and font size? In many instances, overlooking these little details gives a website an amateur look and, as a result, fails to draw in the desired traffic. Other details you should be looking at are the quality of your photos (stretched or squeezed) and multiple visual elements, especially on your homepage (landing page). Some examples of these distracting visual elements are several blinking, scrolling, or bouncing effects on the page.

First impressions are significant to your business’ digital footprint. You can never go wrong with a professional site that takes all the necessary and appropriate precautions to drive traffic to its pages. Sometimes, you may be contemplating whether to imitate another company’s web look, but you must avoid this at all costs. For example, simply because a bubble background looked good on a children’s playground website does not mean it will offer your online book library business the same appeal.

2. Pay Critical Attention to Your Site’s SEO

Optimizing your specific business for search engines is a beneficial marketing and advertising technique. When done well, it influences traffic flow to your website and lays the groundwork to impact revenue generation. Increased web traffic builds a trail of leads; according to Wikipedia, a lead is ‘the initiation of consumer interest or inquiry into a business’ products or services.’

Did you know that a single credible lead (individual or organization) creates a positive ripple effect for business? A lead who turns into a customer or client is bound to spread the word about your product or service.

Additionally, did you know there are established firms whose primary function is to help companies such as yours generate pest control leads? Contractor Webmasters is an example of an experienced outfit that assists businesses benefit from the best leads generated from organic SEO. With bespoke content marketing, using Google My Business, and a well-designed website, you will soon be increasing traffic to your company and convert leads to repeat customers.

3. Create an AMP-specific Mobile-Friendly Website

As of December 2020, the mobile phone penetration rate in the US was pegged at 72.2%. Do you know what this means? With smartphones taking over the mobile space, a lot more people have easy access to the worldwide web. Therefore, people can easily punch in a website address on their smartphones to view anything they want.

So, if you are serious about driving traffic to your site, make your company’s website mobile-friendly. In making it accessible on phones, ensure that it conforms to Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) specifications. Thankfully, there are professionals you can hire to work on this technical area for a fee.

Admittedly, the virtual corridors are increasingly getting crowded. Fortunately, despite all the ‘noise,’ there’s a way to get noticed from the lot. Some of these are listed and discussed here for your benefit. Researching other authentic ways will be helpful in driving and increasing traffic to your website.

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