How to Bring Your Business International
Scaling & Growth

How to Bring Your Business International

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When you start your own business, it can be stressful getting it to a point where it’s profitable and running smoothly. When the business gets to a stable and consistently profitable point, many business owners think about ways to grow even more. One of the next steps is working to take the business global. If this is the logical next step for your company, then check out this guide on how to bring your business international to get started.

Research the countries you want to expand into

There are cultural differences that can easily affect your marketing plans. While a bolder style of marketing works well with the United States, some other countries could be offended by the style and others may expect even more brazen attempts. Talk to contacts in the countries you’re looking to expand into and ask for help understanding the culture and expectations of companies. You should also employ a reliable translator who can advise you on not only how to say things in the country’s native language but also what way in which to say it so it makes sense.

Focus on your distribution processes

While your company may already be shipping on a national scale, shipping international is different and requires unique processes. When shipping overseas, products undergo a rougher ride then they typically do on the road. Run an analysis to determine how much product to ship over, so you don’t over- or under-stock.

Once you know, palletize the shipment as you would for national shipping. Be sure to do some extra research on how to prepare packaged goods for overseas delivery before you load your shipment containers to minimize product damage during the transportation process. One of the largest unnecessary costs international businesses incur is product damage due to poor shipping conditions.

Visit each country you plan to distribute in

When it comes to how to bring your business international, visiting the countries your business is planning to expand into is a crucial step. Introducing a foreign company to a new place means the company will be facing skepticism for a while. Taking a trip to spend time with local business owners and getting to know the expectations, customs, and learning basics of the native language should help to get the new relationship off to a good start. First impressions are important, so it’s key to lay the relationship groundwork before your launch.

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