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Could COVID-19 Bring Out the Best in Your Career?

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They say that every cloud has a silver lining. And we could all really use a glimmer of silver right now. The world is changing all around us at an exponential rate. As countries everywhere try and flatten the curve of the virus’ transmission rate and lockdowns are implemented, businesses are fast learning that they need to move with the times. Some are reacting with ingenuity and agility, implementing an infrastructure that allows their employees to work from home. Others, however, are cutting their losses and leaving legions of employees alone and unsupported in this difficult time. One thing’s for sure. Returning to business as usual isn’t an option. We need to return to a business landscape that’s better than usual!

As such, we all need to be at our best right now. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or you intend to become one this year, could the changes in your life due to the coronavirus outbreak bring out the best in you and your career? Let’s look at some of the potential opportunities available right now…

Master Your Productivity… Without a Boss on Your Back

If you’re still working for an employer, but recent events have seen you work from home, they may worry that they won’t be able to harness your peak productivity. Now’s the chance to prove to them that not only can you maintain your productivity at home, you can actively improve it. Start using time management strategies and self-motivation techniques to get then most out of every working day. Even if you have to balance it with looking after the kids and maintaining your home.

You can demonstrate just how self-sufficient, motivated and prime for a promotion you are.

Start Laying the Foundation to Set Up Your Own Business

On the other hand, why wait for an opportunity when you can create your own? Why not use this time to focus your effort and attention on laying the foundations for your own business? Not every business idea requires huge overhead costs necessitating profit-killing loans. You could reinvent yourself as a consultant or even set up a franchise. When the lockdown is lifted, people are going to be more keen than ever to get out of the house which is why franchises like East Coast Wings & Grill are such a prudent choice right now. There are many benefits of franchise ownership. They allow you complete autonomy over day to day operations while also affording you the support, training and brand recognition that you simply can’t get when building a business from scratch.

Show Your employees How Much You Care

If you already run your own business, this is a great opportunity to differentiate yourself from the callous business owners who are letting their employees go en-masse to protect their profits. It’s your opportunity to show your employees that you’re committed to them by making it easier for them to work from home and protecting their livelihood. Or, where this isn’t possible, putting them on furlough and continuing to pay them up to 80% of their wages. They’ll return to work more loyal, more motivated and more likely to stay with you through thick and thin than ever.

The eye of history is on you.

Show the world that you’re taking this opportunity to double down on your commitment to a better standard of business!

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