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Creating Brand Identity for Small Business [Infographic]

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Establishing strong brand for your business is important regardless of the size of your business.

Brand is what actually sells your product and differentiates you from the competition in the marketplace. Good brand will attract new customers and develop loyalty among existing ones.

The foundation of powerful brand is recognizable brand identity. In order to create brand identity that will work wonders for your business, you need to follow several steps. After you decide what you stand for and what are the core values of your business, you need to apply them on the design of every element of the brand identity. This design will communicate your values to the customers and they will perceive your business in the way you want them to. That’s why it needs to be eye-catching and memorable.

Since different colors, shapes and fonts can create different impressions, you should choose them wisely. Combination of these three elements say a lot about your business and very often consumer’s first impression about business is based on them. So, when you are choosing the right design for your brand you should have in mind the industry you run your business in and who is your target audience.

Yes, all this can be challenging for small business owner, but this infographic shares quite a few helpful tips. Check it out and discover what you should have in mind when creating brand identity for your business.

About the Author

Customlabels.netlogo-custom-labels-150x150  specializes in manufacturing quality custom labels and various adhesives for business, promotional or personal purposes. It provides their customers with free graphic design consultation service and helpful printing instructions for best labeling results.

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