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How to Be More Eco-Friendly: 6 Basic Tips

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The world is changing, that’s a given. To help the world change for the better requires a lot of effort from some or a little effort from everyone.

For those that want to be part of a better tomorrow, learning how to be more eco-friendly is a solid start. Helping out both limits the damage and empowers the planet to repair and replenish.

Even a few changes can lower your impact on the planet. The gig secret? Many of these changes also lower your bills and improve your quality of life.

Ready to get started? Read on with an open mind and a dedication to take it one step at a time.

How to Be More Eco-Friendly

Many of the problems ecosystems face come from an excess of disposable materials. Large industries pump out waste products while individual consumers leak millions of tons of garbage.

You can’t do much to change a large corporation’s practices (that’s another article) but you can reduce and replace the times you use at home.

1.  Go Paperless

For as much as lithium mining and production for batteries creates some greenhouse issues, paper does double work.

Paper takes energy to make and costs trees as well. The lack of those trees leads to more rapid erosion, less CO2 absorption, and less shade.

2.  Use Less Water

Water waste is an enormous problem that gets less attention than it should. cutting down water use is key to several other eco-friendly steps and should be the cornerstone of your approach to caring for the environment.

Reusable water bottles reduce water use for cleaning and reduce plastic waste. Shorter showers lead to a more organized morning.

3.  Invest in Solar

You probably don’t have enough land to go totally to solar, but even a few panels cut down on monthly power bills. Panels on a roof also reduce radiant heating into a home, leading to cooler summers and less AC usage.

Excess power also reduces drain on the grid, enhancing the stability of the whole system. Check out the offerings from Blue Raven Solar for more information on solar in your area.

4.  Carpool

In general, if it’s within two miles, walk it. If it is outside of that, never travel alone.

Driving less cuts down on emissions, reduces the number of cars needed, lowers traffic congestion, and reduces reliance on oil.

5.  Reprioritize Laundry

Not everyone has the opportunity to dry clothes outside. However, lower heat settings and smarter dryers can also lower power consumption. A properly rated dryer results in savings of more than $200 over the appliance lifecycle.

Washing clothes in cold water also cuts down energy while doing an adequate job.

6.  Change Lighting

Energy-efficient light bulbs use less power, burn longer, and offer higher-quality light.

Remember to use lights when necessary and open up curtains and blinds to work by natural light.

You Can!

Each of these tips on how to be more eco-friendly result in overall cash savings to you and offer a boon to the planet. Many industries have been working to produce better materials at reasonable prices, so take advantage of that initiative.

Don’t go alone, talk to friends and get others on board with these simple tips. For more info like this, check out our other articles.

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