A career in business is a broad term that encapsulates many roles but what is key about a career in business and particularly in business finance is that it is likely to always be in demand. This is because business finance professionals can straddle many sectors and are needed in all types of business, whether the industry is health care, retail, or hospitality. Having a strong and savvy financially qualified business team can make all the difference to the financial health of a company. Starting out your career with a degree in economics or finance can put you on the right path for a diverse career in many forms of business and finance, as experienced by Nathaniel Whittle. What is more, successful business professionals can earn a very lucrative living. So if you have a penchant for numbers and a key business brain consider these careers in business finance to future proof your career.
One of the go-to careers in finance has long been an accountant. Accountants will prepare, examine and analyze financial statements and records. It is incumbent on them to ensure all financial reporting is correct and tax liabilities are met. They may also evaluate the financial viability of a company and prepare and develop financial management strategies. For many companies accountants are a lifeline for ensuring the smooth running of their business and as such, they can be attractively compensated. There will always be a need for trustworthy and competent accounts from small businesses to large multi-national corporations who need teams of accountants.
Investment Banker
Investment banking can be a very lucrative career choice but it is not without risk. Investment bankers commonly advise businesses on a financial strategy for raising money. They can also be responsible for procuring investment funds and managing portfolios of buying and selling assets for a profit.
An actuary can be a very difficult and challenging career choice to get into with a strong aptitude for maths and statistics being required. Once qualified however actuaries can expect to earn a very comfortable living. Actuaries are essentially specialized accountants that analyze and determine financial, costs on risk with the aim of minimizing the cost of risk to their clients. In a world of required insurance for just about everything there will always be a need for actuaries.
Financial Officer
A CFO or Chief Financial Officer is responsible for providing financial guidance and support to clients and colleagues. Financial advisors are required in all sectors and industries and their duties can range from strategic analysis, accounting, or managing budgets. Given the importance of the role of CFO, a chief financial officer can be very attractively compensated but it is a career choice that takes years of experience and ‘ladder climbing’ to achieve.
Auditors examine financial records to provide businesses, investors, and regulators with information on company performance and any improvements they can make. In terms of business finance, a financial auditor will examine a company’s financial statements and records. Larger companies can employ external auditors to audit their books to ensure their financial health and accountability in compliance with any national guidelines and procedures.