
Gary Vaynerchuk’s Weekly Wrap-up (2/5/15)

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twitter-app  Twitter rolled out a video feature for its mobile app last week and Gary, being a fan of Twitter, was using it right away. In his article “Why Twitter’s New Video Feature Matters for Engagement, Not for Content”, Gary said that he spent several hours last week using the new feature but not in the way w e think. He was responding to people, one by one, answering questions in real time. He said he was listening and that’s why he’s so excited about the new feature. Gary says that since we’re living in a world where visual is often regarded as better engagement than written, Twitter video lets us give more time to people in a personalized way and to him, that’s awesome! In his video “One is Greater Than Zero” Gary starts out by saying he’s baffled by how many people think they’re bigger than they actually are. He says people ask him questions pertaining to how they can score those big meetings, get themselves noticed in the media, etc. He replies to these types of questions with “One is better than zero”. He goes on to explain that you need to think about the steps it takes to actually get to the biggest places in the world. In other words, before you can land those important meetings with important people you’ve got to build up your cadence by having a lot of little meetings. Gary says that too many people today are impatient and unwilling to do that work. He says that while you’re still making the climb before your name is known that you have to put in the work day in and day out which is something he continues to do himself. And, once you’ve made it, you’re never too big as it’s all about having humility. In his video “What Salespeople Need to Know About Social Media” Gary was asked via Twitter what is the best advice he can give salespeople in the social media/digital world age. Gary responded by saying that everybody is trying to close the deal too early due to a lack of patience. Gary says that people should be tactical when using social media while providing something of value at the same time. Providing value can be telling stories, putting out entertainment, offering free stuff and replying to people rather than just hitting up more and more people to get exposure for yourself.

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