Marketing Success

Gary Vaynerchuk’s Weekly Wrap-Up (4/30/15)

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Because we know that many business owners struggle with producing content, we’re going to begin this installment of the best of GaryVee’s content with his article entitled “Turn Your Company Into a Content Empire by Using These 4 Steps”.

The first step consists of choosing the platforms your brand will use. But how do you choose? By considering two things: Where your audience is and how you talk to them there. Step two is to respect the platform and the audience. By this Gary means to respect the psychology of what people are doing while on the platform. You need to produce content that your audience will like rather than content you like. Then it’s all about understanding what is doable. Gary suggests taking advantage of the positives of joining various platforms early on and the current platforms he suggests using are Medium and Meerkat. Then once you start producing content, evaluate how effective it is. You can do this by looking at the raw engagement numbers. How many people are sharing your content, leaving comments, etc and checking to see how many people are watching your videos. And if people are taking the time to comment, that’s a good sign.

The final step consists of seeing how many people are actually buying what you sell due to all the free content you put out there. To conclude, Gary says that at the end of the day, you should judge your content by the results you’re looking for.

Keeping with the topic of content, in Gary’s video “Gaining Visibility with Your Content”, Gary is asked what a person should do when they feel they have unique content but they’re not tapping into the right audience or they’re not getting the visibility they need. Gary’s answer was that when this happens, you need to look at yourself with honesty to determine whether or not you have “business chops”. In other words, if this is happening, you need to ask yourself if you’re capable of building an audience through the content you produce or do you need a partner to do that for you. Or, Gary says, maybe you’ve just lost all sense of reality wherein your content is “just average” and not as great as you think it is.

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