
How can I build my email contact list effectively?

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Email marketing is still a valuable tool you should use in creating brand awareness. That is why it is important that you should be collecting more and more email addresses everyday! If you have the email addresses of your current and future clients, you have the power to immediately communicate to them anything you want – new products or services, promos, sales, events, etc. You can also be able to address many questions, suggestions and even problems regarding your business. Whenever they see you in their inbox, they will feel more and more connected to your brand.

Now, you may be stumped on how to develop your email sending list. Here are some effective ideas on how to do this:

From your store or office – You can have a sign-up form at your front desk or cashier. After each purchase or service done, you can ask your customers if they would like to receive updates and notifications thru email. Another way is having a sign-up portion on their receipts that they can easily fill up and leave with you.

From your website – You should have a sign-up box on your website and make sure that you place it in a noticeable area. You can put it on your landing page or as a pop-up that viewers will immediately see within seconds of checking your site out. This would be a cost-efficient way of getting emails.

To increase the chances of people giving you their email address, you can have an enticing offer for them. You can give them a discount coupon, a free item, a free sample or trial, or a free newsletter with content that is relevant to them. Make sure that they will be able to enjoy this incentive immediately.

Do you want to know more ways on how you can effectively gather email addresses of people who will be your future patrons?Β Call or email meΒ so we can get started right away!

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