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How to Find a Mentor

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If you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, or even an established one, something you probably haven’t thought much about is finding a mentor. For most business owners, it’s not really something they think about, or they have too much pride to consider being a mentee. Whatever the case, the advantages of taking part in a mentorship are apparent. For instance, a recent study shows that businesses led by an owner with a mentor were able to increase revenue by 83%. Another study shows that employees who mentor someone under them are promoted 6 times faster than their colleagues who don’t.

But the benefits of a mentor don’t stop at increasing profits or fast tracking your career goals. Having a mentor means you have someone to talk to about any and all decisions related to your business. An established professional can show you what red flags to look for when screening candidates, teach you new ways to secure funding for your small business, or even provide a shoulder for you to lean on when you hit unexpected bumps in the road.

So, how do you go about securing a mentorship? Check out Fundera’s infographic below to learn more.

How to Find the Perfect Mentor

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