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How to Sabotage Your Startup in 5 Steps

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Starting your own business is no easy feat these days, especially with the amount of competition you’ll have to deal with, and a lot of people don’t make it. It usually starts pretty smooth, you get a loan, you have a good plan, everything feels right; until the first problems and the first mistakes start setting in. Mistakes are okay, though; they’re a natural part of mastering any craft, and that includes engaging yourself in entrepreneurship. You’re going to be making mistakes, and you’re probably doing to be making a lot of them before you truly start getting better.

Regardless, there are certain things that you should absolutely avoid doing if you don’t want your business to utterly fail. These are a few mistakes that people have been repeating over the years, and it’s high time that future entrepreneurs started picking up on them. So, without further ado, here are the 5 things that you should never do if you want your business to flourish.

1. Playing It Safe

If you’re going to be starting a business, you have to accept that there will be risks that you have to take. You won’t always be able to make the super-calculated, safe decision that’s best for you and all of your employees. Sometimes you’re going to have two equally tempting opportunities that you’ll have to choose from based on your gut instinct alone, and that’s a business skill that you’ll be glad you developed later in your life. We’re not saying to take unnecessary risks, just be aware that it’s something you’re going to have to do eventually.

2. Investing Too Much/Underfunding

It’s very important to know exactly how much money you’ll need to comfortably start up your business without over-investing. It’s also important to not always worry about spending too much money, because that can lead to your business being underfunded, and an underfunded business doesn’t get very far.

Think long and hard about everything your business needs before you spend a single dime, and have the long-term effect in mind. Let’s face it, the most successful entrepreneurs are those who are smart with money, so there’s no reason not to be one of those.


3. Doing It All Yourself

A successful business will inevitably require people that possess a wide array of different skills: managing, accounting, advertising, computer programming and whatever else you need – it’s highly unlikely that there’s a single person out there good at all this stuff. Don’t even think for a moment that you won’t have to hire some people straight away – this kind of mindset is going to make you bound to fail. Even one person to help you out is plenty when you’re just starting off, but as your business grows, you’re going to need more outside help. Having to pay people will be a pretty large financial setback at first, but rest assured that it pays off in the long run.

4. Neglecting Internet Security

We’re approaching the third decade of the 21st century, and the golden age of the Internet is upon us. The web is being used for virtually everything nowadays, and so it’s become the number one place where criminal activity takes place. The problem is that people aren’t nearly as aware of this as they should be, and hackers are using this to their advantage.

It’s very easy to obtain someone’s personal information online if they’re not careful enough, and this can have devastating consequences if that information happens to be, say, your credit card credentials, or your clients’ private information. So be smart, and take some Internet security measures in order to prevent this from happening. Browse through a VPN, secure your website with a good security plugin, and change your passwords as often as you can. You’ll thank us later.

5. Working without Contracts

A good business relationship is built on trust, and that’s exactly why you should always insist on a contract whenever closing any sort of business deal. It sounds a bit contradictory, but in reality, if the other party isn’t trying to take advantage of you, why shouldn’t they want to sign a contract? All that does is ensure both parties live up to their end of the deal. There have been numerous cases of eager young entrepreneurs diving into business deals that ended up to be scams and nothing more, and a lot of them ended up losing everything – all because they didn’t have proof of the business deal taking place at all. So don’t be that guy, be smart and refuse to work without contracts.


adam-ferraresiAbout the Author

Though Adam Ferraresi really loves his job of web developer, he’s also quite passionate about his writing, which is always gladly accepted at As every Texan, he loves spending time outside playing sports with his friends. He may have graduated from college a couple of years ago, but he’s already working on his dream job and couldn’t be happier about it, as well as his new life in Dallas.


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