
How To Turn New Customers Into Lifelong Buyers…

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It doesn’t matter what business you’re in, if you’re relying on consistently bringing in new customers to make money, you’re always in “eat what you kill” mode, but more importantly…

…You’re Leaving A FORTUNE On The Table!

It’s the biggest difference I see in my work between businesses who go under and businesses who thrive. It’s THAT important.

Luckily, turning new customers into lifetime buyers is easy and costs next to nothing to get started.

Here are a few ideas you can put to use today…

1. Customer Contact Cards: Have new customers fill out a small card with their name, address, phone and email. Feel uncomfortable asking for that info? Offer an incentive, such as a freebie, discount or even hold a contest!

2. Start A Rewards Program:  This works in ANY business.  When a new customer buys, have them fill out their information in exchange for receiving exclusive “VIP” discounts and offers.

3.  Get Social: You are on Facebook, right? It’s one of the most cost-effective ways to (literally) turn customers into fans and keep them up to date with new offers and specials in your company.

4: Get Mobile:  Strategic SMS (text message) marketing, sending out non-intrusive messages to customers mobile phones letting them know about your latest special offers is one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies around today.

If you aren’t already building a list, now is the time to start.


The first reason is it allows you to stay in touch with your customers.

And there’s no better way to get repeat business than sending out promotions for products and services that they’ve already happily bought from you.

The second is that you’re building a REAL asset…

Let’s imagine you’re buying a business.

If someone’s selling off inventory, you’re not going to be interested unless the inventory is being sold at a deep discount.

But that same inventory, complete with a list of customers who have proven to pay retail for that product over and over again, that’s worth INFINITELY more money in the right hands.

  And the same is true for YOUR business.

There is no more valuable asset you can build than a customer list – and a healthy, long-term relationship with them that encourages loyalty and repeat business.

The cost of acquiring a new customer can be incredibly expensive.

The cost of convincing a past customer to buy from you again can be as inexpensive as sending an email, in other words FREE!

The art of getting your customers to buy from you over and over again is one of the most underrated secrets to a successful business.

You can start today and see a MASSIVE ROI by tomorrow!

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