Email Marketing Marketing Success Sales & Marketing

How To Write An Email That Will Convert

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Emails are a fantastic way to drive customers to your site, where they can find additional content that will (hopefully) engage them. In order for this to work properly, however, there are a few things to be taken into consideration. First and foremost, you never want to spam your customers. One email a day is plenty to keep them informed and entertained. Less is sometimes better, because no one wants to see their inbox filled with emails from the same person or company. That being said, there are numerous ways for you to bring people to your site from  your email or to engage them directly from the email itself. Let’s take a look at just a few of these ways.

Ask Questions

People like to think they make a very real  impact on the businesses they frequent. Allowing them to express a relevant opinion on something will target that. It can be a small question, a big question- any question will do just so long as you are engaging your readers. The most important thing is to ensure it is a question which will prompt people to answer it. This may sound redundant, but there are some topics people tend to be more opinionated on. Target these topics.

Address Concerns

Doubtlessly people will have question or concerns about your business. As you receive them, document your answers for your own records, and then share these answers with everyone on your mailing list. This will help to keep your target audience more informed, of course, but there is also a second reason this is so engaging: it makes people feel as though you care. All customers want to know a business cares about them, the customers. Prove that you do, and you will find more repeat customers.

Offer Information

Send out emails detailing what your business is doing now, what milestones you have done in the past, and what you are planning on doing in the future. Is there a big date coming up? Do you have an event planned which your customers should know about? Then tell them! Customers want to be well informed, especially in the modern world.

Feature Promotions

Running promotions is a great idea because all people enjoy a good sale or freebie. These promotions don’t help if you don’t market them, and email marketing is one of the best ways to do this. Good promotions to feature are sales, giveaways, and freebies. Promotions are not limited to this, however. If you have a limited edition item or if you have come out with a brand new line of products, you will want to feature these as well. The later two items tie in with both featuring promotions and offering information, making them twice as effective.

Link To Social Media & Websites

Somewhere in every single one of your articles should be easily identifiable links. These links should redirect your readers to your social media accounts and business blog or website should they desire more information. Be providing these links, readers are able to redirect to one of these multiple destinations on their own should they desire to. This gives them ample opportunity while leaving the final decision up to them as the consumers.

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