
Link Your YouTube Account To Your Facebook Page

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To ensure that you maximize your business’ presence online, you should link all your online accounts together. You should aim for a seamless connectivity for your business and target market. You can link your blog to your Facebook and Twitter accounts so that whenever you post something new, it will be automatically shared to your numerous Facebook fans and Twitter followers. The same also applies to your business’ website, Pinterest, and of course, your YouTube account.

Once you link your business’ YouTube account to your business’ Facebook account, all the videos you will post on YouTube will be posted on your Facebook wall. This will save you time from uploading and setting up each and every video you make on to each of your online marketing tool.

How to integrate your YouTube account with your Facebook account

  • Sign in to the YouTube account of your business.
  • Click “Account” at the top right hand corner of the page.
  • Click “Sharing” on the left side of the page.
  • 3 options will be shown: “Activity Feed, Autoshare Options, and Notifications”. Choose “Autoshare Options”.
  • In the “Autoshare Options”, select Facebook.
  • There will be a new window that will appear, enter your business’ Facebook account details there.
  • Click “Save Settings”.
  • Tadah! Your business’ YouTube and Facebook accounts are now linked.

Customize YouTube activities settings

Now, you can choose what kind of actions you and your viewers will be able to do with your videos on YouTube that will be posted on Facebook.

  • Sign in to your business’ YouTube account.
  • Click “Account”.
  • Click “Sharing”.
  • Now, you can choose what actions to allow from the following options:
    • Upload a new video.
    • Comment on a video.
    • Favorite a video.
    • Rate a video.
    • Post a bulletin.
    • Subscribe to a channel.
    • Become friends with someone.
  • Check which of the above actions you want to activate with your autosharing.
  • Click “Save Settings”.

That was easy, right? But it will save you so much time uploading and going to and from your business’ YouTube and Facebook accounts when you check comments, “Likes”, etc. Once all of your online accounts are seamlessly connected, you will be able to interact with your target market more and effectively.

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