
Looking to Become A Permanent US Citizen: Here Are 5 Things You Need to Know

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Who does not want to be a citizen of the land of dreams? I bet everybody does. America gives you opportunities that I bet no other country can even think of giving.

If you are capable enough and have proper skills, you should migrate to the United States of America. So migrating to the United States of America is easier said than done. You need to get in touch with the Murray Immigration attorney from Austin, TX.

Since you are reading this article, chances are you are planning to move to America very soon. If that indeed is the case, then this is just the article you need.

In this article, I will be telling you how to become a permanent citizen of The United States of America. I will be writing about the top 5 things you must know before migrating.

Here Are 5 Things You Need To Know

These are five things you need to know if you want to become a permanent citizen of America.ย You can also check thisย websiteย to know about becoming a part of this country if you are marrying a US resident.

Number 1: You Need to Have Stayed in the US for a Certain Period of Time

To apply for Us citizenship, you need to have stayed in the US for a long time. This time varies from state to state. Also, it depends on how you gathered the permanent residence. Permanent residents with high-paying jobs are given more preference than people doing menial jobs.

If you are married to a US Citizen, then that is a bonus; it will help you get citizenship much easily. All in all, you are eligible for opting for citizen if you have continuously stayed in the US for more than five years.

Number 2: You Need to Give Proof of Your Residence

For applying for US citizenship, you need to ensure that you prove that you are physically present in the United States of America for at least 30 months in the five-year period. Besides that, you also have to prove that you have been a continuous resident in the US.

Number 3: You Must Prove That You Have a Good Character

This is probably the most important point that you need to keep in mind while you are opting for US Citizenship. You must be able to prove to the legal authorities that you are a person of good character. The immigration officer has the final say on it. He is going to determine if you are eligible for US Citizenship or not.

If you are convicted of serious crimes in the past, then you will not get US citizenship. Besides serious crimes, you also need to ensure that there is no stain on your financial activities like tax fraud, tax evasion, etc.

Number 4: You Must Pass the Civic Examination and English Examination

Without passing the Civic examination, you will not be granted US citizenship. The civic exam is a very important exam. It includes a series of exams that test the personโ€™s knowledge about US history. The immigrant officer is going to ask you ten civic questions.

You also need to pass the English language test in order to gain US citizenship. Both of these exams are equally important, and you need to pass them.

Number 5: Register Yourself with Selective Service

If you are a person who has gained permanent residency between the age group of 18-26, then you need to provide proof of your selective service registration. If you failed to register yourself in the selective service, then you must give them in writing the reason why you failed to do so.

Final Thoughts

There you have it, these are the five most important things you needed to know to become a permanent Us Citizen. I hope you have found this article to be informative. If you have any questions or feedback for us, kindly leave them down in the comment section. We will try to answer each one of them.

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