Supplies can be an overlooked cost when running a business. Here are just a few ways in which you can save money on supplies, whether you’re running an office, a restaurant or a construction company.
Shop Online
Buying supplies locally doesn’t give you as much options to shop around. When buying online, you can compare hundreds of suppliers to get the best deal. Whether you’re looking to buy building materials online or wholesale ingredients for your restaurant, you’re certain to find a supplier online that has the resources that you need. Just be wary of delivery costs when buying online – if you’re ordering supplies from overseas, you’ll often spend a lot more.
Buy in Bulk
You can also save a lot of money by buying supplies in bulk. Many supply wholesalers offer bulk discounts that you won’t find when using standard suppliers. You may have to pay a membership fee to use these wholesalers, but you could still spend less overall. Buying in bulk isn’t always the sensible option – if you’re buying food or printer ink that could expire before a certain date, you need to be certain that you’re going to be able to use it all before the expiry date, otherwise you could waste money.
Try Basic Brands
When buying supplies, don’t always opt for the well-known brands. Some basic brands can offer just as much quality at a fraction of the price.
Go Paperless
Going paperless can also save you money. Nowadays, few companies have a need to print off documents and files – most files can be shared digitally and newsletters can be replaced by emails. By going paperless, you’ll save money on the costs of ink and paper. You’ll also save space taken up by paper files in the process and you’ll also help to save the environment.
Opt for Recycled/Reusable Supplies
Recycled materials such as reclaimed timber can be cheaper than brand new materials. You could also consider looking into reusable supplies such as refillable ink cartridges. Just like going paperless, it’s environmentally friendly as well as cost-effective.
Record Supply Usage
You could also save money by getting into a habit of recording supply usage. If you notice that a certain type of supply is being used regularly, you could look into this to check that people aren’t using it unnecessarily. For instance, if you notice that you’re getting through a lot of paper, you can then look into this to check that employees aren’t printing off unnecessary documents.