Business Planning Process Planning & Strategy

A Stronger Link: Improving the Relationship with Your Suppliers

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The vast majority of industries rely on crucial working relationships. Whether you are working in manufacturing, textiles, or digital marketing, they all rely on the importance of a thriving supply. The supply chain is something that every business is focused on right now. There can be a concern, especially in the food industries, as to where the next items are coming from. But in terms of a business, we must recognize that nurturing and improving our supply chain relations will benefit our business in so many different ways. What are the best strategies to improve our supply chain so our business can thrive?

Focus on Building Strong and Deep Relationships

This can be a very one-sided approach. You need a supplier for something so you get what you want. And even if you only use a supplier every now and again for something you seldom use, for example, looking at, a company that provides lumber for commercial and retail customers, while you may not necessarily require these components on a regular basis when you do need them it’s about the very simple approach of being friendly and professional. Even if you only have contact with suppliers on an irregular basis, it’s important to keep them up-to-date where possible on your plans and strategies so they can see where they fit.

Simplify the Supplier Relationship

Technology has made it easier than ever to keep track of information on your suppliers in one handy place. You could invest in supplier management software to keep all the information handy. And on, you can find information on the best Supply Chain Management software right now. But if you wanted to go further, you could install Purchase Order Management software which can make things even simpler. When you have relationships with so many different suppliers, having the right software in place will help you keep track of everything.

It’s Not Always about Value for Money

If you focus on the bottom line too much, and are always trying to get a bargain, it’s important to understand the importance of a long-term investment with a supplier. If you have the ability to buy in bulk, you should. It’s good for you, since you’ll likely receive a nice discount on services.  And it’s a measure of good faith to your supplier that you’re committed to continuing to build out the relationship.

You should also remember that it can benefit you to pay a little bit more on occasion. If they give you a very good service, paying a little bit more is worth it. And this will go to improving the relationships but also build trust between the two parties. It’s not just about staying with a supplier because you like them but it’s about putting them to task on occasion to see if they are efficient; this will help your customers and yourself to enjoy the value.

An effective supply chain relationship is even more important right now. Ensuring that you have a good working relationship doesn’t just benefit you right now, but it will also benefit your business for years to come.

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