Growth Planning & Strategy

Taking the Client-First Approach with Your Practice

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If you’re running a medical practice, it’s important to not only think of your patients as people who are reliant on your care. They are also your clients and how much you satisfy the needs and wants of the client can be directly proportional to how many of them remain clients for much longer. Here, we’re going to look at a few ways to make sure you’re taking the client-first approach.

Train Your Front-Line Staff Well

One of the biggest mistakes you want to avoid when starting a medical practice is not surrounding yourself with the right people. When it comes to people who are dealing with patients on a person-to-person basis, be they the receptionist, nurse, or otherwise, they should be trained in effective communication and how to make your patients feel comfortable and welcome in the practice. Otherwise, you can’t blame them if they’re not always at their most personable, which can lead to negative patient experiences as a result.

Give Them More Information on What They Are Buying

The medical industry is one of the very few that has to sometimes not give patients all the information they want. You can and should tell them about options, risks, and benefits, but you can’t guarantee outcomes. However, with approaches like pharmacogenetic testing from firms such as MedComp Sciences, you can offer patients more information on individualized treatment plans. This can help them feel more certain about agreeing on a certain route of treatment and how it will affect them. You still can’t offer any certainties, but more information is undoubtedly going to be appreciated.

Make It Easier for Them to Access Care

The better that the customer is able to understand how they can schedule and access care, the fewer frustrations they are likely to have with your services. To that end, appointment scheduling is likely to be the first interaction they have with your practice and you want to make sure that it’s a good one. With scheduling services such as WebPT that update live based on your own daily planner, you can make sure that customers have it much easier scheduling the appointments that they need with up-to-date information.

Method of Follow-Up Is Crucial

Just as a shopper’s experience doesn’t end at the checkout, your patient’s experience of your care doesn’t end at the end of an appointment. The post-appointment follow-up process is crucial for not only your medical due diligence but also for making them feel cared for. Reach out in their preferred method, personalizing the message as much as possible. Ask them how they are feeling and offer continuation of care recommendations or links to resources for aftercare guides if they are following up on a treatment that requires it, for instance.

The client-first approach acknowledges that people have a need for more than just good care when visiting a practice. They want to be in control of the service they pay for, too. With the tips above, you can ensure that.

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