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The Top 3 Ways to Scale Up Your Service-Based Business

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Studies have shown that service-based business owners account for nearly 34% of the U.S. workforce. It allows people to earn money by doing something they actually love, rather than sitting at a desk all day long. Moreover, there are a wide variety of service-based businesses that an individual can commence.

Nevertheless, similar to product-based enterprises, business owners need to take the necessary steps to attract the target audience and expand their operations.

In this type of business, your “product” is your time, and time is often limited. So, it would be best if you took wise measures to grow your business in this industry. Here’s what you can do:

1. Offer Your Service as a Product

One of the major differences between product-based and service-based businesses is that in the latter category, customers do not get a clear idea about the “service” cost. The majority of the service providers focus on highlighting the services instead of the price customers have to pay to avail of them.

To scale up the business, it is vital that customers learn about the “value” of the service. It is likely to increase sales and generate more leads.

For instance, a Med Spa business should focus on treatments, including aesthetician, IPL, fillers, and more, along with the cost of every session. It will help them get a competitive advantage, especially if they offer service at a low price.

2.  Digital Marketing Should Be Your Priority

In this digital era, every person looks for a product or service online. It means that if your business does not have an online presence, it might lose lots of customers. So, you must look for a reliable marketing agency specialized in your industry to formulate effective strategies to attract an audience.

Continuing the above example, seeking assistance from a med spa marketing agency will help the entrepreneur sell its service faster. It will also help them engage with the existing as well as new customers and address their needs.

3.  Always Get Customer Feedback

Last but not least, your business is customer-centric. Whatever steps you take for the growth of enterprises will have a direct impact on the customers. So, you must take into consideration their needs and requirements. You can do so by taking frequent customer feedback.

Feedback helps understand the customer’s taste and preferences and any shortcomings that your service might have. Consequently, you’ll be able to take appropriate remedial action. It will further help you win the trust of your customers, leading to customer loyalty. Thus, you’ll have a strong customer base which will facilitate the scaling up of the services.

To Sum It All Up

For the growth of your business, you must try these measures and see their effectiveness yourself. Even so, bear in mind that you need to stop selling your “own” time. Instead, look for people who can work for you to provide excellent service to your customers. It will ensure that your target customers don’t have to wait, which will eventually improve your customer service. As Philip Kotler has said,

“Every business is a service business. So, does your service put a smile on the customer’s face?”

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