
Tips on How to Maximize the Power of Video Marketing

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Video marketing is a very effective tool in creating and increasing awareness for your local business. All the more if the benefits, essence or instructions regarding your products or services are best captured using videos. Let’s say you sell do-it-yourself painting kits. Your customers will appreciate your brand more if you had instructional videos. Definitely, they will understand the usage of your product better compared to a lengthy article or a written manual.

To maximize the potential of video marketing, you should take note that optimization is very important. You would want to aim to satisfy the search engines in order for your videos to have high search engine rankings. Below are valuable tips on how to optimize your videos online:

  • All your videos should have your business’ primary keyword in the title. If your primary keyword is “sewing machine”, your video titles should be “How to Clean a Sewing Machine” or “Making a Baby Girl’s Dress with a Sewing Machine.”
  • In the descriptions of your videos, you should make use of your primary and secondary keywords.
  • Again, your primary and secondary keywords should also appear on the tags of each and every video you make and post online.
  • Make sure that you allow your audience to be able to post comments on your videos. You should regularly address all the good and bad reviews, suggestions, questions regarding your videos. These will encourage conversation and increase traffic for your videos.
  • You also have to make sure to remind people that if they do like your video, they should click on the “favorite” tab or the “like” tab next to or below it. This will greatly affect the popularity of your video.
  • Create links to your video leading to other sites and vice versa by using your primary keyword in the anchor text. This action will definitely be beneficial in building your backlinks.
  • Spread your videos to hundreds, thousands or millions of people! Post it on your website, send a link to it through email, post it on all of your social media accounts, on your friends’ websites – actually, wherever you can. This will generate more views and definitely boost your online ranking.
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