
Top Tips on Creating a Successful Email Campaign

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With the evolution of online marketing, many people think that email campaigns are passé. Truth be told, they are wrong… dead wrong.  When structured and executed properly, email campaigns are still inexpensive – yet effective – marketing tools.   Here are some tips on how to use them the RIGHT way:

Know Who You Are Talking To

Customize your message to your target market. What are their problems? How can your product or service be the solution them? By having answers to these questions, you’ll be able to craft your message into something that they can understand and relate to. Do this right and you’ll see you open-rates skyrocket…

Create an Impactful Subject Line

The subject line MUST be strong – it’s the most important weapon in your arsenal when it comes to reeling people in. Your subject line will ultimately determine whether someone is going to read your message or just delete it.  Make sure your subject line encapsulates your message completely and truthfully. DO NOT use over promising copy.  Once a reader sees in the body copy that the subject was too farfetched, you will lose all credibility, which ultimately will result in a lost sale.

Less Really Means More

People live their lives in overdrive.  They multi-task.  They have short attention spans. If you really want your email to be read and fully digested, keep it short, sweet and straight to the point. Avoid lengthy stories and explanations. Many people will delete emails that look too wordy upon first glance.

Simplify Your Message with Subheadings or Bullet Points

If someone actually opens your email, the likelihood is that he (or she!) will scan it over to ensure it’s of interest BEFORE actually reading through the entire thing.   Use subheadings or bullet points to break down the important information you want to highlight.  Doing so will draw attention to it.

Flaunt Your Product’s or Service’s Benefits

Spotlight the top benefits your clients will enjoy. Sell yourself. Sell your company.  Just make sure to keep it clear and concise.

Make It Personal

Your email should sound like you are talking to the reader directly. This will make your text seem more convincing to the reader.  More convincing = more sales.  End of story!

Include a Strong “Call To Action” Line

Be clear about what you want the reader to do after reading your email. Do you want them to go to your website? Do you want them to call? Do you want them to buy right away? Encourage them to do something that will help you close the deal.

Specify a Deadline

Many customers are pushed to act upon your desired action if you give them a “deadline.”  For example, you can say that if they respond within 3 days, they will get a discount. This will inspire them to take action NOW.

Proofread a Thousand Times

Well, probably not a thousand… but make sure that all the t’s are crossed and all i’s are dotted. If your email is poorly written, you will look unprofessional.  Unprofessional doesn’t sell, end of story.

Include All Contact Information

Make sure your readers know how to contact you after reading your email. You’ve defeated the purpose of your email marketing if people have no way of contacting you.

Email campaigns are still valuable tools in marketing businesses. They are overlooked and underutilized, which presents tremendous opportunity for you IF you do it the right way.  Want some extra mileage? Combine a properly planned and implemented email campaign with a social media campaign, sit back – and watch your business’ opportunities grow right before your eyes.

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