New start-ups often have very little to spend on marketing. One way to get yourself out there is blogging both on your own website and on other platforms. Here are some tips for developing a digital marketing plan for your start-up in a shoestring budget.
If you have the funds then you could use a marketing solution website such as this one which specialises in Physiotherapy websites. However, if you don’t have the funds straight away to take up these services then blogging is an excellent way to get your ideas out there.
Let People Know Who You Are
By writing a blog you can show off who you are and what you do to your customers and followers. Find your own writing style and develop your ideas through your blog to encourage people to visit your website. A blog can be very personal, almost like a journal of life’s musings. It can also be more corporate in nature, and showcase your business and your employee to the world. And some blogs are just super helpful in nature, and share information that the end reader will benefit from. At the end of the day, a good blog is more than just a summary of what you do it’s an insight into the people behind the business.
Write Guest Posts
A great way to get noticed is to be featured on other blogs and websites. Guest posts will give your content and your business a brand-new audience. Meaning you will be reaching potential customers but it won’t be costing you anything. It also gets people talking about you and your business, sharing and commenting on your post all generating free marketing for you. Look for blogs who fit your niche and your writing style and contact the editors about their terms. The better the content the more likely you will be featured.
Improve Your Search Engine Ranking
Blogging on other websites and creating in and outbound links will, in turn, improve your search engine ranking. Your business and website will become more recognisable and higher ranking as more new and relevant content is generated. Relevant content that provides useful and interesting information as well as correct backlinks is key to improving ranking.
Build An Audience
By creating and sharing great content you will build up loyal followers who like you and your work. This will stand you in good stead when it comes to promoting and sharing business related content. Attract and create your customer base with great ideas worth sharing and interesting content keeping people’s attention. That way as your audience grows so will your business.
It Answers Questions
If visitors have questions about your products or services your blog if the perfect platform to answer these queries. It’s a way to show you can give the customer what they want, know what you are doing and that you are a strong brand. It also gives customers a place to comment and converse with each other as well as your business.
Do You Think Blogging Can Help Your Startup?
Not only will free blogging help your business from a marketing point of view, but it will help you generate new ideas too. Just by writing about yourself and creating engaging posts you are interested in, you will get your creative juices flowing when it comes to business too. Also, be sure to look for blogs who fit your niche and your writing style, and glean insight and inspiration from them as well.
If you follow these tips and create relevant blog posts, actively seek guest posts and good backlinks, blogging will be an excellent addition to your digital marketing strategy.
About the Author
Charles Dearing is a business consultant and writer who loves sharing his insights on various blogs and online publications. When he is not working he enjoys travelling around the globe.