Marketing Success

How to Use Instagram to Grow Your Business

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Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms on the planet. This means that if used effectively it can drive traffic to your business and increase revenue. If you only publish on this platform every once in a while you will not be able to leverage its power.

You need to have a marketing strategy and an active Instagram account. Here are some tips for using Instagram to drive traffic to your business website.

Content Production

Content is everything on Instagram and there are many types of photos that you can use to promote your business.

Try creating inspirational posts, use customer photos, short videos, and memes. The more content you post the better idea you will have of what your audience responds to. This will ensure that you always have something to post.

For example, if you own an auto parts store you can show videos of people installing parts such as duramax head studs, changing oil and filters, or showing how to secure a hubcap. If you have a restaurant you can make videos behind the scenes of staff creating dishes, and show pictures of the food you make.

These are just a few examples you are sure to find others when you look closely at what might interest people about your business

Use Your Links Wisely

Instagram does not like links that lead away from the platform. You are allowed one link in your bio so you have to make the most of it. Instead of just putting a single link to your website consider using a link tree.

A link tree allows you to add all your essential links but still abide by Instagram’s one link rule. If you have Instagram stories you can use this feature to send people to your website. Instagram stories provide a great opportunity for you to use short videos to capture people’s attention. However, you will have to wait until you are at 10000 followers to use the swipe up feature.

The good thing about Instagram stories is that they do not have to be intricate or highly produced, people don’t expect that. You can just go into your business one day and start taking behind the scenes footage or show your creative process and share it instantly.

Instagram stories are one of the most used features because it is quick and easy to use for online branding.

Advertise on the Platform

If you notice that a post is doing well the best thing you can do is to go ahead and promote it. Instagram will often prompt you to do so.

Another effective way to advertise is to create a Facebook ad account since Facebook owns Instagram. When you use the Facebook ad manager you will be able to customize your ad more effectively and have greater options for selecting your audience.

Finding the right balance between audience selection and your ad copy can skyrocket your conversion rates.

Get Started

The first step is to create a business account and this is very easy to do. If you have an account that is neglected go back to it and look at ways to improve it.

Once you find the right formula for your brand on Instagram there is no limit to what you can achieve.

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