Content Marketing Copywriting Marketing Success Messaging Sales & Marketing Video Marketing

When Printed Text Fails, Show Your Story

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video-300x199  We live in a fast paced society – and it shows no sign of slowing down any time soon. This presents a unique set of challenges, since your target audience is being bombarded with advertising and marketing messages now more than ever. At times, it may literally seem impossible to stand out. Thankfully, there IS a way and it’s much easier than you may think.


Video marketing….

Video marketing provides you with a channel to “talk” to your target audience directly and presently is showing some of the highest conversion rates out of any type of online marketing. When it comes to online video marketing, however, understanding andutilizing it in a way that delivers the best results can be a challenge.

Here’s a high level primer:

  • Know Your Target Audience

Understand your target audience. A busy mom isn’t going to have time to watch anything more than 20 or 30 seconds. An executive level professional isn’t going to be interested in seeing something that includes stick figures and cartoons. You have to build the persona of your ideal target – and then build your video around it.

  • Organization and SEO

The success of online video marketing is due in large part, to effective organization. It should be created in a way that is both clear and direct. This will help you in your SEO campaigns as well. Visitors should be able to find your video with a simple keyword search. This approach allows your website visitors to find the content that meets their specific needs in the shortest amount of time possible.

  • Consistency Is Key

Often overlooked is the power of branding. It can take someone up to 7 times of seeing something before he (or she) starts associating it with your brand. As such, brand consistency is a critical piece of the video marketing pie. Sure, it’s more “new-age” media. But that doesn’t mean you should overlook the fact that it too needs to maintain your brand’s consistency. This goes for all your marketing efforts, however. Whether it’s social media or a video, developing a unique voice for your brand will define how successful – or unsuccessful – your marketing efforts will be.

  • Data analysis and feedback reviews

Data analysis includes not just how many hits each video receives but also how long viewers stick with each video, and which types of content performs best. Understanding the effectiveness of your video is critical for ongoing content development. The additionalviewer engagement data is valuable for defining and segmenting customer reviews which, in turn, will help you in everything from marketing and sales efforts to product development strategy.

Whether your videos show how products work, entertain the world or show how much everyone loves your company, they should always infuse your digital story with the energy it needs to rise above the ‘noise.’ As discussed above, knowing your audience, perfect organization and SEO – coupled with consistency and feedback analysis – will help you to keep your video marketing project moving forward. If you still need a helping hand from a team of professionals on the subject, we are always here to help!

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