Business ideas Getting Started

3 Industries to Consider for Your Startup

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The year 2020 brought about large amounts of change for the world and its economies. Not only did the coronavirus pandemic force nationwide lockdowns, but it also had a ripple effect on business and the way we as people do things. Suddenly, working remotely became the norm, and transacting online went from an occasional occurrence to almost daily. Industries that spent most of the time in the background suddenly came into the limelight, bringing about new business opportunities for entrepreneurs to take advantage of. That said, here are three industries to consider when thinking about starting a business in 2021.

Food Industry

The food industry will always be on this list, seeing as people will always be ordering food to be delivered or dining out – it’s a way to treat one another and an easy solution for individuals who would instead not cook. When considering opening a restaurant, deli, cafe, or even takeout spot, you are bound to land yourself into a pretty large target market, so the only issue is finding the perfect place and acquiring the startup capital.

When opening a restaurant, your location is of utmost importance, and it could make or break your business. Try securing a spot situated somewhere that already receives loads of traffic or somewhere that is easy to spot from the main road. The startup capital necessary to open a restaurant is also quite hefty, thanks to all the kitchen equipment, stock, and staff salaries you’ll need to cover. Luckily, there are food and beverage venture capital opportunities available to help you out as an investment.


The eCommerce industry has seen a massive spike in its sales from the start of the coronavirus pandemic. Suddenly, people from all over the world turned to online stores for basically all their needs, from groceries to clothes and practically anything they would’ve gone to a mall to buy. Entrepreneurs have invested massively into online stores, and even businesses that have been around for a long time have made their online presence more prominent in order to get in on this trend that has shown no sign of ending any time soon. The massive change in consumer behavior has caused enterprises to rethink their entity business’ dynamics and adapt in a way not only to maintain but boost their sales tenfold.

Software Development

A chain reaction caused by the Great eCommerce boom is the rise in demand for software developers. Think about it; each and every business that seeks an online presence needs a software developer to build and launch a website or app for their products and services. Sure, there are platforms you can utilize to build a website yourself. Still, unless you’re up to the challenge and consider yourself tech-savvy enough to not only create but also continuously maintain your website, a software developer is a no-brainer. The bottom line is that if you’re looking to learn a new skill or are still considering different fields to study as a career option, you can never go wrong with software development with the change in direction the retail industry has taken.

The above industries could be a sure ticket to success for your startup; the only thing left to do now is to do some homework and take the leap on your very own company!

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