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3 Ways to Earn Your Customers’ Trust

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When your customers trust your business, you can guarantee two things.

  1. Their loyalty to your business, and…
  2. Positive word-of-mouth

As a result of both, your business has a greater chance to thrive and grow, and you will have less to worry about when considering the threat of your nearest business competition.

To earn your customers’ trust, you might want to consider the following.

#1: Back Up Your Claims

It’s easy to make bold claims with your business. You can tell your customers that your product is the best on the market. You can let them know that your shipping rates are better than your competitors. And you can proclaim that your business is the best of its kind. Such claims are guaranteed to win over new customers, but if the promises you have made fall short, then you aren’t going to keep them for long.

So, be careful about what you say and don’t make any false statements. Market the truth, and back up the claims you make about your business with direct comparisons to others, and by posting business reviews and customer testimonials on your website.

#2: Maintain Your Reputation

There are all kinds of things that can hurt your business reputation. If you lie to your customers, commit a criminal act that warrants media attention, or find yourself on the wrong side of the best law firm in town after breaching safety regulations with your products, you can guarantee bad word of mouth about your business will spread.

So, be mindful within your business. As we said in our last point, be honest with your customers. Avoid litigation by not breaking any business laws (or any other type of law). And pay close attention to the products you sell and manufacture. By taking these steps, you will maintain your business reputation, and new or existing customers will have no reason to mistrust and spread bad word about you.

#3: Work on Your Website

Your website will probably be the first port of call your potential customers have with your business. If it has been shoddily produced, has no evidence of security information, and has limited contact options, then you might struggle to turn your site visitors into customers. It’s in your best interests to produce a website that people will trust as, if what they see gives them confidence in your company, they are more likely to buy from you.

So, give your website a thorough check-up and make sure everything is working as it should. If it needs a redesign or if something needs fixing, do it yourself, or hire a web design firm if needed. Be sure to secure your website, and then prove your site’s security credentials with an SSL certificate. Ensure your site has plentiful communication options, such as a phone number, contact form, and even a live chat option. And as we suggested earlier, include reviews and customer testimonials on your site to give your site visitors extra peace of mind.

Customer trust is important for the long-term future of your business, as you will fall prey to the threat of your nearest rivals if you don’t take steps to earn it. Follow our suggestions, and then research other ideas for earning customer trust online.

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