5 Common Challenges Faced By Entrepreneurs
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5 Common Challenges Faced by Entrepreneurs

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Becoming an entrepreneur can be quite difficult and challenging, even if it’s always been your dream to open and run your own business and go into it with the utmost dedication. You need to understand the various challenges facing you and take them as they come if you want your business to succeed.

Funding Your Venture

The biggest challenge of starting up is often caused by a paucity of funds, because it can often prevent things from getting off the ground to begin with. Even if you can manage this through personal capital and loans from friends and banks, the first few months of opening a business can often be the most difficult phase. You will end up overspending or under-budgeting at some point, which can be ruinous if you don’t have the funding available to keep your operations going smoothly.

If you’re a new entrepreneur who quit their job to start a business, you should really be thinking of backup sources of funding if you don’t want the pointed risk of your business going under within the first few months.

Building a Proper Team

One tricky part of building your business and getting things done is gathering the right team for the job, which isn’t so easy as running ads that you’re now hiring. One difficulty might be finding employees willing to work with you, but in this economy that seems pretty unlikely. The more important thing is building up a team that you can work with really well, but it also should be an effective team if you have any expectations of positive results.

As such, you need to look for enthusiastic and cooperative candidates who still have the necessary skills and experience to do what you need them to. After all, an experienced team that has no interest in doing their jobs will be even worse for business than an enthusiastic team with no clue of what they’re doing. The most important thing is understanding that you need to build a team of collaborators rather than acting like an egocentric boss.

Diversity is another important aspect of team building these days, and you shouldn’t just hire a diverse team for the sake of looking like your business embraces equality. The most important aspect of having a diverse team is how it inherently means a team with a vast array of different perspectives, rather than everyone thinking inside the same box.


Some people seem to just naturally be indecisive, but even if you’re not one of these people it doesn’t save you from having to (potentially) make some painful choices as you’re running your business. If you’ve got a good team, then it might be helpful to discuss ideas rather than handing them out through executive diktat because other people may have some vital input that never occurred to you. Making business decisions is never easy, no matter your leadership skills.

If you’re the only leader in the business, this becomes even riskier and also much more difficult than if you at least have a small team helping you to make vital decisions. That being said, some businesses actually work out better if you go at it alone rather than making all of your decisions by committee. If you are the only leader then you need to understand the weight of your decisions, and furthermore be prepared to blame no one but yourself in case of failure.


The most important part of running a business is reaching your customers, because without them you won’t be getting any inflow of cash and this will do nothing less than kill your operations altogether and drive you bankrupt. Offering quality products or services might be essential to keeping your customers, but you can have the best product in the world and find yourself unable to sell it because of marketing failure. If you can’t make people aware of your business and why they should choose it, be prepared for failure. Marketing is an important part of running a business that you simply cannot overlook. Having the right marketing team definitely helps.

Your Health

What you might not realize if you don’t have much entrepreneurial experience is just how much work it is to run a business. It’s a stressful job with long hours, because you’ll no longer be limited to 8-hour shifts like in a normal position and you’ll have to make a lot of consequential decisions for yourself. Stress and long hours will decidedly take a toll on your health if you don’t have a way of dealing with it, it’s probably a great idea for you to start out in your best shape.

Both new and experienced diet challenges, like the famous f45 challenge, are important in order to get into their best shape and not have a heart attack. Mental and physical fitness are both important especially to entrepreneurs because it can affect decision making and the overall health of the company.


The success of any given business is something that’s hard to predict, even if the business itself seems to be a really solid idea where nothing can go wrong. The entrepreneurial spirit may be a great thing, but it’s delusional to think that everything is going to run smoothly just because you’re running the show now. As such, you should keep in mind the above challenges and introspect on how you can address them so that they don’t adversely affect your venture.

About the Author

Helen Cartwright is a passionate blogger, who excels in the Digital Marketing and Technology niche. When not wired in marketing strategies she ghost-write for a variety of authors who have their work published on leading online media channels such as The Huffington Post and Entrepreneur.com.

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