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5 Simple Ideas to Improve Your Website

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For a modern business, it’s vital to have the perfect website. A site that’s attractive, user-friendly, searchable, and unique makes all the difference when it comes to growing your business. With 2020 well underway, there’s no time like a new year to update your website strategy.

1. Appealing Calls to Action

Once you’ve got your potential customers where you want them (on your site), it’s time to draw them further in with some appealing calls to action! Ensure that you are using simple yet effective design and colors that are pleasing to the eye. Avoid anything that’s too difficult to navigate or overly complex language. Whether you want your customers to download an ebook or create an account, make your calls to action clear and appealing.

2. Add Video Content

The modern consumer favors video content, so if you don’t have any on your site – make it your mission to create some! Whether it’s a how-to video, an introduction to your team, make it engaging, and don’t forget to share on your social media profiles. When you are designing your site, make it simple for visitors to share your blog posts on social media. You’ve spent time ensuring the best content possible, so you’ll want to make sure that as many people see it as you can!

3. Add Testimonials

Adding testimonials throughout your site can be an excellent way to improve your marketing. Potential customers like to hear praise about the products that they are investing in. It’s also helpful if you can get testimonials from relevant influencers in your industry. Influencer marketing has gained much momentum in the last few years because influencer recommendations are highly trusted and often seen as authentic. To find appropriate influencers, look to sites like BuzzSumo.

4. Up Your Speed

One of the simplest ways that you can improve your website is to optimize your speed. We all know how frustrating it is when a page takes too long to load- and you won’t want your potential customers to click away! Take a look on Google Pagespeed Insights to check your speed. If it’s loading too slowly, Pagespeed Insights can offer some great suggestions about how to improve things.

5. Work with a Professional Web Designer

To make your site as beautiful as possible, it’s worth getting a professional touch. A talented web designer will have the expertise to make the very best of your site. For a great company, take a look at Parxavenue Web Designers. Here you’ll find an excellent range of services from design to SEO and content marketing. Remember, your website is the hub of everything that you do- and so it’s worth giving it all the TLC it needs.

Finally, remember to gain customer feedback about your site. Your visitors can provide useful data that you can use to your advantage. As your company expands, using chatbots on your site can be a useful way to improve customer experience and gain feedback too.

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