Marketing Success Sales & Marketing

5 Unique Marketing Ideas

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As a business owner, it can sometimes be hard to find new and exciting ways to market your products and services. There are the old standbys, of course, such as billboards, newspapers and social media posts. But have you ever considered trying a more unusual approach to your marketing? Here are some fun and unique marketing ideas that are sure to get your business noticed by consumers.

Viral Videos

Viral videos are everywhere these days, and they can be a great way to connect with your audience. Consider making your own video using a free online video editor to simplify the process. You can create interesting content using this tool without spending a lot. Once your video is ready, connect with a company like Jukin Media to help it go viral. Making a viral video doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. It starts with a great idea that entertains the consumer while educating them about your product or message. Think outside the box and don’t be afraid to brainstorm with others to find the creative premise that will be at the center of your video. Try out your idea on family and friends to make sure it gets the right reaction. Once you make your video, be sure to promote it on social media and in your company newsletter.


Contests can be a great way to give consumers a good feeling about your company. They don’t need to be anything complicated. It can be as simple as a photo contest for cute pets or a caption contest. You can then award the winner with a free product or service. It’s a great way to build a positive community around your brand and provide people with samples of your product.

Local Marketing

Local marketing can be one of the best ways to connect with potential consumers who live in your neighborhood and are more likely to visit your business. Some local marketing ideas include commissioning a mural, handing out flyers, business cards and brochures, sponsoring a local sports team and putting a sidewalk sign in front of your business.

Loyalty and Referral Program

A loyalty program keeps customers coming back to your business repeatedly and a referral program encourages them to spread the word about the products and services you offer. If you own a coffee shop, consider having a loyalty program that gives consumers one free coffee after they have purchased five coffees. If you are a yoga instructor, consider offering a discount to customers who refer friends to you for yoga classes. This helps customers feel valued and makes it more likely that they will visit your business again.

Fun Content

Find interesting ways to spice up the content on your website and social media posts. This could include graphs, lists of statistics, interviews, fun videos and webinars. You should also consider writing about trending industry topics or even weighing in on something controversial. This last suggestion has the potential to backfire if you don’t approach it the right way, but can also be a great way to get people talking about your business.

Finding new ways to market your business is a great way to get people interesting in purchasing your product or service. Try some of these fun and unique ideas to freshen up your marketing strategy!

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