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Health & Well Being Inspiration

Active Hobbies to Try This Year

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Finding a new hobby in the new year is a great way to start off on the right foot. When we want to make a fresh start in our lives and change our habits, starting with a brand new fun hobby is a great idea. 

Today we want to discuss some of the different hobbies you can try this year that are more active and will promote a healthier lifestyle along the way. 


Yoga is a fabulous hobby to take on during the new year because it is accessible to everyone no matter your fitness level, and it is also a hobby that can help to promote better flexibility as well as inner strength. You don’t have to pay for a yoga class to practice yoga – all you need is a yoga mat and a YouTube account. There are plenty of amazing YouTube accounts that provide yoga classes for free, and this will be a great way to get you stretching it out and feeling more healthy and fit in 2022.


Swimming is an amazing hobby and it is one that you can enjoy all year long. If you want a way to get fit without the high strain on your muscles and joints, swimming can be a wonderful option. Find your local leisure centre and book a swimming session a few times a week for some great exercise that will also be super refreshing and fun! Once you get confident in the water you could even take this one step further and try your hand at diving or even a sport like water polo. 

Horse Riding 

Horse riding is without a doubt one of the most immersive hobbies you can ever get into. Once you have met some popular horse breeds at your local stables and you start to get to know these majestic animals – you’ll never want to go home! Horse riding takes a lot of skill as well as patience, but it can be an exhilarating hobby to get into and one which will allow you to get out in the fresh air regularly with a furry friend. 


If you are looking for a fun hobby you can pick up with your partner, a friend, or even with your child – tennis is a fabulous option. Tennis is a sport that is immersive and suitable for all ages and fitness levels. Even one session a week can improve your skills as well as be a good way to get some cardio into your routine. 


For those of you who love to move to the music, one great form of cardio is Zumba. Zumba is a type of dance aerobics that is super popular across the world, and you’ll likely be able to find an instructor in your local city or town who does sessions each week. This fast paced and fun activity is ideal for you if you fancy getting fit without doing HIIT workouts at the gym. It won’t feel like exercise at all and that’s the magic of it! 


Dancing is a hobby that is accessible to anyone at any time in their lives. Whether it’s a child taking tap dancing lessons, a teenager taking break dancing, or an elderly couple doing ballroom dances – this hobby is a great one for all. You’ll be able to find a local dance studio that provides classes each week to help you learn new moves and strut your stuff on the dance floor. If you want to get fit without the gym, dancing is a good option as it will feel more like a fun hobby than a workout. 


Bowling might not be something you do very often, but it can be a great hobby to try your hand at this year. When you go bowling, you can either work on your swing alone or bring along your family for some fun on a weeknight after school. If you start to do bowling more regularly you can even consider getting a ball that is customised to you! 

Martial Arts 

Martial arts is by far one of the most diverse of hobbies you can try this year – and there are so many different types to sink your teeth into. Take a look at the different styles of martial arts in your local area and head to a class or two. Not only is it about fitness, but also grace and movement. 

Try some of these fun active hobbies in 2022 to help you get fit in a fun way!  

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