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Analysis Paralysis: Battling the Inevitable Pt 2

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Analysis paralysis can happen to anyone. The tips to winning the battle and insight on self resolution are coming ahead.

Self resolution

Once you’ve hit a state of over-analysis, you begin to attempt resolving the issue on your own.

While all businesses and companies are different, many similar decisions must be made by business owners so you run to the first place you think – the Internet. This vast network has story after story from the successful entrepreneur.

It is true that you will find the stories or answers you are looking for, but it’s false hope; you simply cannot know which direction your decision will turn your company to.

The next option would be to talk to friends, family and trusted business advisors, but again, you will be left unknowing of the outcome. These people will offer you possibilities, advice and tips on which decision to make, but you will end up feeling stuck.

5 Tips

You may not be physically helpless when it comes to analysis paralysis, but it certainly feels that way. The inability to make a decision can cause you to question every aspect of your life and these negative feelings can be difficult to shake off.

If you’re facing analysis paralysis, there are five tips to remember when it comes to winning the battle.


  • Accept your position. Face the facts – you may make an incorrect decision. Once you have accepted failure as an option, there is nothing left to lose. You must realize that as long as you go in, guns drawn; you can deal with the consequences after. Accept the knowledge you do have for the issue or decision and that it is simply impossible to make a perfect decision. On your journey to success, you are bound to run into failure.
  • Create an outline. If you’re someone who needs to see something written, skip the plan and map an outline. A complex plan can cause too much stress. A simple outline can provide a guideline rather than a strict plan, so it will give you an idea of the outcome instead of what needs to happen. You will end up choosing the route that seems flawless, but an outline can prepare you for any bumps in the road.
  • Know what you won’t tolerate. If you’re unsure of what to do or which route to take, know what you will not do. If a decision seems better but goes against your ethics or moral values, be sure to immediately exclude that from your list of options. You don’t want to wind up full of regret after you’ve made a decision that went against your beliefs. Once you have found a list of things you aren’t willing to change or get involved with, this can make the decision process a little smoother.
  • Use more than your brain. Obviously your brain is the one with the knowledge, but your heart can speak twice as loud. Use your instincts; surprisingly enough, they are usually right. A decision made by your heart is better than no decision at all. Wouldn’t you rather make a wrong decision knowing you can fix it rather than allowing someone else to make that decision for you?
  • Create a deadline. If you’re still facing analysis paralysis, create a deadline. Give yourself a certain amount of time to make a decision. During this time, create a pros and cons list of each possible outcome and weigh out the positive and negative effects. There may be some possibilities or situations that you will not think of or be able to measure out, but you will have a better idea of the good and bad of each choice.


Analysis paralysis can and usually will affect almost everyone. If you’re having trouble deciding which step to take next, or you need some business advice or tips, sign up for your free subscription to Successful Startup 101. You will find exclusive information and tips for entrepreneurs and startup founders that can help you break down the barriers that are stopping you from improvement.

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