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Blog Commenting Backlinks 101

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How do you exactly create blog commenting backlinks? Whenever you comment on someone else’s website or blog, you include your website URL along with contact details. Now, your website URL will become your backlink embedded in the comment you posted.

While blog comments are not the most effective type of backlink, you can still benefit from them:

  • You will never run out of avenues to put your backlink to since there are millions of blogs you can comment on.
  • For sure you will have numerous high-ranking blogs in your niche that you can leave comments on. By posting comments on these quality blogs, your backlinks will become more effective.
  • Posting blog commenting backlinks on many blogs with different IP addresses is a good way to create backlinking.

How can you find blogs to comment on? Just key in the search operators below in the search box of Google Blogs.

  • “keyword” + “add comment” E.g. “used cars” + “add comment”
  • “keyword” + “post comment” E.g. “cars for sale” + “post comment”

How to get good blog commenting backlinks:

  • On every blog you want to comment on, check if your backlink will end up as a follow one or a no follow one. You can know this by activating the Mozilla Firefox No Follow Plug-in and it will highlight no follow backlinks on that blog, if there are any. If you see that there are highlighted backlinks, don’t waste your time posting a comment there.
  • Use the Mozilla Firefox SEO Quake Plug-in to check the page rank of the blog page you want to comment on. Search engines also assign ranks to pages of a website, not only to the home page. Even if the homepage of the blog you want to comment on has a ranking of 5 and the particular page you want to post your comment on is 1, your backlink will be influenced by the page ranking of 1.
  • Leave only relevant and quality comments. If your comments do not have value to the blog owner and his or her followers, your comments might be deleted. Try to be active on blogs and websites that are in the same niche as your business so that providing comments that prove your expertise on the subject will be very natural to you.

If main link-building strategies seem still hard for you to perform, then you can always find high-qualified specialists who provide SEO services and will help you to build a successful strategy for your business

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