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Build Your Brand: Using Social Media To Create Your Voice

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One of the best ways that you can promote your business is through social media. Not only is it largely incredibly cheap, but it’s a great way to inspire brand loyalty from your followers. Here are some top tips on how you can use social media to create your company voice.

Which Platform Are You Using?

First, you need to make sure that you work out which social media platforms are best for you to focus on. This often depends on who exactly your audience is and who your social media interactions are being aimed at. Facebook is excellent for building up a social media community – users can talk to each other on your posts and may even create Facebook groups based on your product. Instagram is perfect for aesthetically beautiful photographs and often has a slightly younger demographic. If your product is aimed at teens or young professionals then Instagram is where it’s at. Finally, Twitter is a great way to talk directly to your customers. It’s a little more meme-heavy than other platforms so it’s important that you get on there regularly to check your messages and to make sure that what you’re tweeting is in keeping with what’s currently happening in the Twittersphere.

Add Some Ads

Remember that it’s a great idea to use advertisements on social media. This might mean that they pop up on the side of people’s pages depending on what their previous surfing history is and what they are generally interested in, or it may also take the form of promoted posts and tweets. Other ads might be through social media influencers who might get paid to promote your product or who may even promote it simply because they like it. A Facebook advertising agency will help you work out what exactly you want to do with your ads. Just make sure that you don’t turn half your posts into ads, because you’ll find a lot of people will unfollow you.

Reply To Messages

It’s important on social media that you reply to messages. If you don’t understand how to use Twitter and Facebook and it’s obvious to your users, your company may be seen as old-fashioned and younger customers may be turned off. If someone has a query about your product, Twitter is the perfect place to answer it: dealing efficiently and politely with any issues or problems is actually a way to prove that you provide excellent customer services and that you listen to what they have to say. It’s also a good idea to thank anyone who tags you and enjoys your product or services – it’s personal and people love being able to communicate with the brands they enjoy.

Don’t Focus On Sales

Finally, make sure that you don’t focus only on promoting yourself and trying to make sales. Share user content, write blog posts and link to them, link to articles that are relevant and that you find interesting. You want people to become devoted to your brand so you need to make it obvious that you’re not a machine. Be fun, engaging, and friendly at all times.

Social media is one of the best ways to inspire brand loyalty and get to know your customers – it couldn’t be easier to use.

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