
Why Businesses Shouldn’t Fret Over Legacy Systems

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The subject of legacy systems is something that pops up more and more as technology advances. The latest software and program releases emphasize what businesses can do if they invest, which is why it’s easy to feel uncomfortable with your setup. After all, it’s old, hence the name, and it isn’t equipped with the best features that modern companies take for granted. All in all, you assume you have reason to fret over your legacy system.

In reality, overhauling it and replacing it with something else isn’t always the correct option as the solution will cause more harm than good (downtime; loss of leads and sales, hit to reputation). Instead, you need to invest in the following.

Cross-Platform Interface

A cross-platform interface is a way to bring all the accounts and programs that run separately together. Often, a legacy system results in a plethora of interfaces spread across multiple areas of the business, all of which require a different level of authorization. As Integrated IT Solutions points out, you’re fighting your way through IT projects when you should be gliding through them seamlessly. An internal ‘wrapper’ makes the company’s processes much more efficient by bypassing traditional procedures to improve functionality, without bypassing the legacy system itself.

Product Extensions

The easiest way to bring a legacy system into the 21st-century is to invest in a product extension. WordPress is an excellent example as it allows add-ons, such as social media widgets, to enable users to enhance the reader’s experience. The same applies to the corporate world on a grander scheme. For example, if you can’t see the method behind how the sales team prices products and services, you can implement an extension that provides extra visibility. That way, there is a broader range of liability, not to mention transparency and openness.

Data Warehousing

Your problem with your legacy system is that it doesn’t offer real-time insights for you to take advantage of everything from data collection to positive PR. Thankfully, data warehouses plug the gap as they take the information for all areas of the business and roll them into one. Next, an algorithm scrolls through searching for patterns. When it finds one, the data is passed to you ASAP. As a result, these off-site centers are brilliant at giving firms actionable data they can use in real-time to change the customer experience without impacting existing processes. We Can Mag has been promoting the advantages of outsourcing for this exact reason!

Model Rebuilding

If you know that replacing your legacy system would be beneficial, but don’t want to because of the potential side-effects, you haven’t got many options. However, there is one – rebuild it over time. Using multiple developers means your system is original, a one-of-a-kind, which is partly why it’s slow and not integrated. Therefore, the only option is to use model refracting and rebuilding techniques to undo the tweaks. You can learn more at Understanding Legacy Code. After you reach a certain point, you’ll be able to invest in a more efficient and effective system that will improve the business’ industry standing.

Are you worried? You shouldn’t be because there are options on the table.

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