
Can You File Personal Injury Lawsuit for Electrocution?

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Though it’s not that common, people do die from electrocution. Every year, around 1,000 people meet fatality due to high-voltage electrical shocks. Besides, 30,000 electrical shock accidents are reported every year.

As such, a minor electrical shock may not even need any medical attention. But, what if you or someone you know ends up with serious injuries due to an electrical shock? Or more so, the accident was not your fault but maybe a negligent act on someone else’s part?  Whatever it may be, the aftermath of such accidents can lead to some serious injuries. In that case, seeking help from legal professionals can help in receiving fair compensation for your loss so that you don’t end up dealing with hefty medical bills. You can see here and learn how this would be your best bet during such emergency situations.

In Minnesota, electrocution is considered under personal injury laws. Depending upon the damages and the cause, the case may be ruled as product liability or premises liability claim.

Minnesota Statutes of Limitations

Every state has time limits to file a lawsuit or a claim. The time limit is put in place to protect everyone including, evidence, witness, plaintiff’s interests, and also the defendant. The time limit is commonly referred to as Statutes of Limitations.

The state of Minnesota also has statutes of limitations regarding personal injury lawsuits. You can click here to read more about statutes of limitations. Usually, the time limit is set at 2 years for personal injury cases, but it may extend depending on other factors.

For electrocution cases, you may either file a claim against the product manufacturer or the property owner/manager. In either case, you’ll have 2 years on top to file a personal injury lawsuit. Notably, however, you’ll need to file a formal complaint for the same within a year of the incident.

Minnesota Fault Evaluation

Minnesota uses a shared fault evaluation rule for all personal injury cases. Yes, in case of electrical accidents too. The rule evaluates how much a party is responsible for the injuries and damages.

It means, if you’re found responsible for your own injuries, even partly, the court may reduce your claim value. For example, if the jury believes that you knowingly touched an open appliance and were electrocuted, they may reduce your claim value accordingly.

In most electrocution cases, the experts say,“we have found that employers or manufacturers are at fault”. Probably, you can consult with the experts to understand how much you can expect to recover in damages.

Minnesota Personal Injury Attorneys

By now, you must have had a ballpark idea about what goes into a personal injury lawsuit. However, electrocution is not purely a personal injury case.

Electrocution could be either due to a faulty product, below standard servicing, or even natural disasters. And accordingly, the case may deviate from a personal injury lawsuit to product liability or even a simple insurance claim.

A Minnesota personal injury attorney could help you understand these intricacies of your case. Not only that, but they may also be able to help you with the legal documentation and court proceedings. Of course, in many cases, they would seek out the court settlement for your case.

In a nutshell, you can file a personal injury lawsuit if you believe that electrocution is not your fault. But make sure you’re prepared to prove it as well.

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