Business Planning Process Planning & Strategy

Don’t Limit Your Background Checks

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What is the first thought that pops into your head when you hear about background checks? Most businesses describe background checks as the essential steps they take to verify the skills, reputation, and identity of a potential employee or a long-term contractor. The practice is so common that you can find plenty of dedicated solutions that can be plugged directly into your recruiting process, including a vevo check to ensure that the people you plan on hiring are legally allowed to work in Australia.

Ultimately, your employee background check is a crucial step in hiring a new member of the team. It is vital to protect your company’s reputation as you want to hire someone who can embody your business values. A lazy and careless employee reflects poorly on your brand. Furthermore, criminal records and reference checks will also ensure that you don’t put your existing team at risk.

Yet, running a background check shouldn’t be a process that you apply only to individuals who are about to join your company. On the contrary, you can use the same approach to ensure that your business assets are suitable and reliable. Don’t limit your background checks to employees only!

A Background Check on Your premises Is Called an Audit

When you are in the process of looking for your new home, it’s not uncommon to ask a professional to inspect and audit the property before you can make a price offer. You can apply a similar principle to your business premises. A lot of companies rent their premises on a lease. Yet, as a tenant, you can still audit your potential workplace for future issues and weaknesses. Problems such as a leaky roof or weak insulation can be discussed ahead of your contract. You can even come to an agreement with your landlord, asking them to take the insulation or commercial roofing repair at their costs or arranging for a rent rebate if you pay for the repair.

Ideally, you want to pay close attention to the following elements when you are visiting business premises:

  • Roof leaks
  • Rusty or damaged pipes
  • Insulation
  • Door and window safety

A Background Check on Your Location Is the Market Research

The choice of location for a business can make or break the deal. The right location needs to include the best audience demographics for your venture. The possibility to drive high foot traffic while being easy to access for visitors is a priority. However, rather than trusting your landlord on the facts, it can be helpful to visit the area yourself. Premises in a high foot traffic zone needs to make your visitors feel welcome. Therefore, it’s a good idea to find out about the former tenants or local competitors as these can affect your visitors’ decision.

A Background Check on Your Suppliers includes Environmental Values

How do you find a supplier you can trust? Cost comparison and reliability are essential factors to establish a trust relationship. Yet, your supplier needs to share common values. Understanding their environmental and ethical choices can help you make informed decisions not only about your suppliers but about your business growth too.

Background checks need to cover every aspect of your business assets, from the building to the supplies you use. Success comes from assets that support your brand and match your business values, whether these assets are employees, supplies, or offices.

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