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Gary Vaynerchuk’s Weekly Wrap-up (3/18/14)

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green-beerThe team at Successful Startup 101 hopes that all of you who celebrated St. Patrick’s Day yesterday had a great time and that you didn’t drink too much green beer! To kickoff the first of this week’s wrap-up of Gary Vaynerchuk’s recent content, we’re going to begin with the article “Business Advice for Aspiring Musicians”. Gary begins by saying that he’s shocked by how the number of people who are still believing that there’s no money to be made in music. He goes on to say that the number of people who’ve made it big in music is absurd.

Gary’s business advice for musicians is to be everywhere that people who like your music are. He explains that if you’re not on Instagram, Vine, Snapchat and Soundcloud, you basically don’t exist to the average 25 year old. So he says get your music out there and leverage these tools as they are a great way to both become known and make money. In addition to getting yourself out there so you are known, Gary recommends that a musician should start doing things for their audience such as putting on a mini Meerkat concert for your most engaged fans. This way, you’ll have fans for life and once they love you, it will be easy to sell them your stuff.

In his video “How Can Public and Government Institutions Use Social Media Marketing Campaigns?” Gary was asked how public and government institutions can use social media marketing for increasing voter turnout. Gary’s answer was for them to become more nimble and authentic. He goes on to say that social media is probably the most consumer-insight focused marketing tool there is today. He continues by saying that the data that you can apply on top of social to drive the results which can include voter turnout is great. Using things like Facebook dark posts in combination of Google long-tail search SEM can get you very, very far according to Gary.

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