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Gary Vaynerchuk’s Weekly Wrapup (3/25/2016)

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Gary started us off this week with an interesting and informative piece on the new Snapchat geofilters, just recently made available. Mr. Vee makes a great case for why this seemingly small addition to the popular social service can have a big impact for your business if used smartly. He even goes so far as to say, “Compared to other mediums, a custom Snapchat geofilter is a branded impression on steroids.” Not only does he explain why they are useful, he’s going to walk you through exactly how to make them in “How To Create And Use Snapchat’s New Custom Geofilters”.

Moving on from the technical to perhaps his more spiritual side, Gary lends us his thoughts on what exactly makes a real, and successful entrepreneur. In “The Entrepreneurial Spirit: Are Entrepreneurs Born Or Made?”, Gary Vee talks about why so many new businesses fail, and why so many more should never have been started in the first place. He puts together some interesting statistics and some very interesting ideas about exactly what makes up a real entrepreneur. Are they born? Or are they made? Check out his answer in the article.

With “Marketing In The Year 2016”, Mr. Vaynerchuck pulls no punches and gets right to the point of where your marketing efforts and dollars should be focused. He points out the key online properties that will get you the best results. He closes the article with a simple yet amazing 28 second video that will make you see every mistake you’re currently making in your online marketing and how to get it back on track.

Gary’s next piece for the week entitled, “This Generation Will Be Fine: Why Social Media Won’t Ruin Us”, rebuffs the repeated cries of older generations that all this technology and all this “connectedness” are going to destroy the minds and souls of the younger generations as the collapse of society inevitably follows. Mr. Vee points out how it’s all been heard before, and will be heard again.

Speaking on a topic that follows a somewhat similar vein, Gary Vee says, rather bluntly, that we all need to “Stop Judging Other People’s Escapism”. It’s a very short piece, but makes a strong and valid point. It really doesn’t matter if you like what someone else is doing, or watching, or listening to, or whatever. They like it, and that’s the point. Stop judging it and learn to take advantage of it.

Closing out the week, Gary Vee gave us “One Piece Of Content Can Change Your Life”. It’s really a great reminder of something that any person involved in something creative needs to remember. Gary points out some great examples of life changing moments that happened because of just one small thing. This one is a very quick, but very good read. There are some great tips spread throughout this article.

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