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Goal-Oriented Content: How to Create Content for Links, Engagements, and Conversions

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Although creating your online presence has never been easier than it is today, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be a successful brand overnight. The result will still depend on the tools and methods that you use to promote your business, products, or services to your target audience. In other words, you have to be good at using strategic marketing to become a business or industry leader in the digital space.

Digital marketing is a multi-faceted discipline, but building content assets is a good starting place for your team. This strategy requires that you create and promote quality content pieces that will familiarize people about your brand and what you do. Not all content types are equal, though. Even your best performing content may not give you instant positive results if it doesn’t target a specific marketing goal.

Whether you want to generate leads, engage your audience, or boost conversion, you’ll need to consider a variety of things to make sure that your content will help you achieve your goals. For one, you have to decide on whether to create short-form or long-term content. Use the former to drive engagement since this type of content matches online users’ preference for information that’s easy to digest. The best types of short-form content include infographics, videos, listicles, and so on.

Meanwhile, if you’re looking for a way on how to create content for links, you should position your brand as a helpful resource by providing a lot of information, data, or insights. Original content in a long format like research reports can help you earn loads of quality links since you’re assisting other websites in offering something unique and valuable to their own audience.

Here’s an infographic from Spiralytics that identifies and explains the top content types for every business goal, supported by statistics and actionable tips to guide your content marketing strategy.

About the Author

Camille Delos Santosis a Digital Marketer based in the Philippines. Her passion for Marketing and Advertising drives her to help companies grow their businesses every day. When not wearing her career hat, you’ll find her sharing her love for skin care and makeup.

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