
The Growing Pains of Scaling Technology in Your Business

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Most modern businesses rely on technology that consists of hardware, software systems, and networks. Over time, this collection of systems is likely to grow, both in scale and in scope. Not only are you going to have more, but you’re also going to have new systems to keep incorporating, and failing to lay the groundwork for their incorporation can end in disaster.

Here, we’ll look at how to stop that.

Know Why You’re Introducing New Tech

First of all, consider the real reasons that you’re introducing a new piece of software, or adding more devices. Is it something that will benefit the whole team or just you? For instance, if it’s software that automates a process completely for multiple people, then it’s a good idea to introduce it. If it’s a tool that a select few will use, then it doesn’t have to be introduced to the rest of the team.

Know How to Secure It

Each new device, app, and connection is a vulnerability that could be exploited. Firewalls and good digital security software will be enough to take care of most threats, but internal management of the team is crucial too. Making sure that access controls are doled out sensibly is a number one concern. Make sure everyone who uses new tech has precisely the individual level of access they need, with only a trusted few given administrative privileges.

Make Sure the Team Knows How to Use It

Onboarding any new system with the team should be a primary concern. Whatever the type of tech, you’re likely to find training courses, often provided by the vendors themselves or by their associated partners. You should also identify the users in the office who naturally take to new systems and have them become your IT ambassadors. They can work with others in the team who haven’t caught on as quickly, offering extra guidance where needed.

Have the Right Staff in Place

As you add new systems, you also add more work for any members of the IT team you have working for you. As the scale and scope of your IT systems continue to grow, so too should the size of the team responsible for maintaining it and responding to the needs of your workers. IT outsourcing can help you deal with rapid growth, getting help quickly until you can establish a more permanent IT team. If you find that your need starts to shrink as the team gets more used to new systems, you can simply scale your support staff down again.

Listen to Feedback

You might think that new tech is a fantastic addition, but some of the team might not be as enthusiastic. Be sure to listen to their feedback. If they think you’re rushing the implementation of the tech, then try to slow it down, and offer productive support if they’re having trouble with it.

Before you jump the gun and start introducing new tech to the workplace, ensure that you’ve put the foundations for it in place. The tips above can help you address some of those needs.

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