
Guest Blogging 101

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1. Where did you find the opportunities to become a guest blogger?

The truth is, I hustled to find those opportunities, because I knew that branding my company was dependent on forming crucial relationships with influencers. But two of the most useful services I found for guest blogging were HARO (Help A Reporter) and BlogDash.

HARO is a fantastic sourcing service that really helps you establish your bonafides by locating authoritative and credible sources that help ensure that you create outstanding content. I highly recommend it as a way to build your industry reputation as a blogger, and as a marketing tool for your content.

BlogDash is a more direct marketing platform for bloggers. It’s super helpful for helping you establish yourself in the blogging community by putting you in touch with influential bloggers, PR agencies and branded companies. Another cool thing about BlogDash is that they’ll provide links to your content in their database, which means that clients who are interested in what you’re writing about/selling can establish relationships that are mutually beneficial.

I’ve also made use of good old Google searches by typing “guest blogging opportunities” to find platforms that match what I offer, and I’ve made some great relationships by doing my own digital legwork.

2. What types of articles do you write about?

My niche is digital marketing and starting a successful business, so most of my content is geared to those two categories, but there’s so many subsets that you never run out of things to write about, especially in the ever-changing digital landscape, which makes it really exciting.

3. Why did you decide to become a guest blogger?

I wanted to brand my agency, and myself and in doing so, attract more clients, drive traffic to my website, build out my newsletter list and generate leads. That’s really all in service to finding new clients, establishing a relationship and providing the kind of content that keeps those clients coming back for more. My belief is that outstanding content leads to referrals, and that can have a really beneficial domino effect. Outstanding content is the rising tide that lifts all digital marketing ships!

About the Author

Tabitha Jean Naylor is a free content writer with over 8 years of experience crafting everything from ad copy and articles to white papers and case studies. Her intimate knowledge of how sales and marketing go hand-in-hand has resulted in a variety of successful campaigns for start-ups through publicly traded companies, including Adobe and Microsoft.  Ms. Naylor holds a dual bachelor degree in Political Science and International Business from West Virginia University, where she graduated magna cum laude.

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