Leadership Management

How to Deal with Alpha Male Employees as a Young Woman Entrepreneur

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Alpha males are commonly understood as men who act like they know it all. As a young woman entrepreneur, the idea of working with alpha male employees can be off-putting. However, a basic understanding of them and ideas to support them can help you and your business. With the right tips and tactics, you can positively work with alpha males to achieve great feats.

What Is an Alpha Male?

An alpha male is a man who takes on a dominant role in social and professional settings. Generally, this type of men is known for being bold and highly productive. They may be very confident and competitive. Additionally, the alpha personality can be assumed by men and women. An alpha female is a woman who has embraced her power, success, and leadership potential.

How to Identify an Alpha Male

Alpha males can display different characteristics. However, the following list of features and traits can help you find an alpha male in professional situations.

  • Controlled emotions
  • May seem cold
  • Perfectionist
  • Likes to be challenged
  • High achiever
  • Demanding
  • Intelligent
  • Successful
  • Effective leadership

7 Ways to Deal with Alpha Male Employees

Each colleague is unique and flourishes when supported in different ways. When working with alpha male employees, consider the following ideas and tips to improve those professional relationships. Generally, it’s important to focus on communication and to supply consistent challenges.

1. Prioritize Your Wellbeing

Taking care of your wellness will help improve all your workplace relationships. At times, working with alpha males can be frustrating. It’s important to take advantage of corporate wellness programs to better your health. Examples of offerings include stress management courses, counseling, and diverse health-forward incentives.


2. Use Clear and Calm Communication

When dealing with conflicts, it’s important to use clarity and a calm tone. Also, alpha males benefit when others are straightforward with them. Being honest and direct will help build respect and trust between alpha males and woman entrepreneurs. Effective communication is critical to success and can be achieved when team members are even-tempered and truthful.

3. Inspire Them with Incentives and Goals

Employee incentives help drive lots of diverse staff members, especially alphas. Alpha males love to be challenged. Helping them create incentives and goals can fuel their work. They are incredibly productive when consistently engaged. With aspirations and targets in mind, they can stay focused and motivated to achieve more.

4. Listen To – and Consider – Their Concerns

A crucial aspect of communication is active listening. By genuinely considering others’ ideas and concerns, woman entrepreneurs can gain people’s support, respect, and trust. For alpha males, they want to be heard. They have lots of ideas for improving businesses. By giving them the chance to be heard and listening to them, you might find new ways and perspectives to advance your success. But don’t take on ideas just to please some persistent employees. You know your own business inside and out and you don´t have to take on ideas that don’t fit your visIon.

5. Offer Them Leadership Opportunities

Alpha males have a lot of leadership potential. Consider offering chances to use and develop employee leadership skills. For example, you can assign them to new projects or allow them to choose their dream client to work with. Additionally, you can consider them for available promotions.

6. Find Ways to Keep Yourself Independent

Alpha males have strong personalities and want to grow in their career. As a woman entrepreneur, you may want to find ways to uphold your authority and leadership position at work. You can do this by finding new opportunities for your organization, taking on the most important tasks, and focusing on how to grow your business. By keeping up your independence, you can grow alongside your alpha employees.

7. Cut Out Any Toxicity

If needed, consider cutting out any toxicity at work. As an entrepreneur, your team is extremely important to your success. If an alpha male does not seem to fit your business, then consider letting them go after trying different solutions to address problems. This is a difficult decision to make. Making big calls for the future of your organization is part of entrepreneurship.

Support Alpha Male Employees

Alpha male employees can be stressful to work with at times. However, they thrive when regularly challenged. These teammates can prove to be a strong asset for your growing business. With strategic ideas and conscious effort, you can propel your staff forward. Encourage open and regular communication to minimize the potential for conflict. Even if you dont always see eye to eye during work, try to profit from traits alpha male bring to the table.

Author Bio

Rachel HarmonRachel Harmon is a content writer for Cristaux International – a Chicago-based manufacturing company specializing in awards, gifts, and trophies. As part of a dedicated team, she works hard to develop strategic content. Her work elevates the Cristaux brand and utilizes the digital and human elements of marketing.

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