
How To Write A Successful Call To Action

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call-to-action-297x300Using a call to action in all of your blog pieces can help to direct your readers attention to another item of interest. More importantly, it helps to keep them on your site longer. It may also help to engage them more than they would have been had you not asked them to go or do something else. Many people fail to use a call to action at all. Others tend to fail at properly executing their call to action. Yet writing these brief snippets into your blog articles and website content is simple, smart, and simply smart. Use these great tips when writing your next call to action.

Be Clear & Get To The Point

Tell your readers exactly what you want them to do and be quick about it. Don’t mince words like other forms of soft selling. Let’s look at an example of a good choice of words and a bad choice of words:

Good: Take a look at this article for more information.

Bad: If you wanted, I guess you could also take a look at this other article if you think you need more information.

Do you see what I mean? The first example tells the reader exactly what you want them to do in the form of a brief,concise sentence. The second example does not. Instead it asks in a roundabout fashion if they would like to do it…multiple times and with way too many words. In the end, if a reader doesn’t want to respond to your call to action they won’t. Be firm and have a better chance of them responding.

Use Graphics When Possible

Graphics are naturally more appealing than words. This is why it is best to use graphics in any promotional ventures when possible. Calls to action are no exception to this rule. If you are able to use an appealing, high-quality graphic instead of a short phrase or sentence, then you certainly should. Of course, the trick in using graphics is that they are good graphics. By which I mean a bad graphic will do the exact opposite you want it to. Instead of drawing people to respond it will drive customers away. So take care that you have created or are using a high quality graphic versus one which looks like a preschooler did it.

Keep It Simple

The reason many call to actions fail is because there are too many items vying for attention. While it is tempting to throw everything you need a person to do or see into a single blog post, you should avoid it at all costs. Remember that with a good marketing plan you should be putting out anywhere between three and seven blog posts each week, and there are certainly more than one informative pages on your website. If you need people to do multiple things than switch up the call to actions in a rotating fashion. Let’s say, for example, that you want people to sign up for your email, like your Facebook account, follow you on Twitter, and read a post of importance. Rotate those things so the first call to action of the week is to sign up for your email, the second to like your Facebook account, and so on down the line. Start back at the beginning when you have used them all. A call to action should always be for a singular thing or else your readers may not be doing what you want them to do.

Utilizing these simple tips can help you to write a successful call to action time and time again. Take the worry and hassle out of the equation by injecting simplicity. Be clear, get to the point, use images when possible, and always keep your call to actions simple. It is as easy as that.

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