Ensuring people know about you and your brand is an absolute must. Increasing brand awareness is something business owners and their key staff have meetings about up and down the country. When a potential customer thinks of a product, you want them to think about your brand, in a similar way to Coke with Coca-Cola.
But, not only do they need to know about the brand, but it needs to be associated with a positive connotation. If your target customer does not know about your brand or thinks negatively of you, then your sales will be lower as a result. So, you need the brand awareness strategy, to work hand in hand with increasing your business reputation. There are many ways to do this.
Marketing and social media
Any good brand awareness strategy has to have a marketing campaign. The campaign could be specifically aimed at getting as many impressions, or views as possible or brand awareness could be part of a wider campaign at promoting a product or service.
When the marketing campaign is created, ensure you have specific goals set out. Each social media platform must have its own strategy and the posts you send out to the world, have to display the logo and name of the company clearly and in a positive way.
For example, have you been driving any green initiatives? Then perhaps an image of your research and development into green technologies, with a few hard-hitting, emotive words, with your logo prominently placed. The idea is to get it shared as many times as possible to have as many people as possible to view it. When it comes to posting on social media, it is quality over quantity. Aim to make two-three posts a day at crucial times, i.e., when people wake up and check their phones and lunchtime.
All your marketing content needs to relate back to the website, which is where you will be selling your products. So, there is no point in having a fully realized campaign and a half-baked website. It has to match the quality of the content in terms of style, image, tone, etc. It also has to work quickly across all devices and browsers.
Is the website set out in a logical way? You could use Google Analytics to help you work this out by judging things such as bounce rate.
Is what the customer is looking for obvious? Another huge aspect of the website is that it needs to have great SEO (search engine optimization), so when a customer types the product you sell into Google, your business rises to the top of the results, increasing its ability to be seen. You do this by adding keywords across the website. These words are, based on your research on discovering what a customer is likely to type into the search bar. If you can’t be seen on Google, you may as well be invisible to the world.
Upgrade Your Systems, Tools, and Packaging
You may have an awesome website and marketing campaign, but the service you offer has got to match. If you are using mediocre tools or out of date software, your brand is going to get some negative press. So, ensure that you can offer the service you say you can and find the best trading software, for example. If you go out into the world and offer this, that and the other, and can’t deliver, your customer will use your promotional content on twitter to tell everyone that you are rubbish.
So, be able to give what you say. It may be an idea to upgrade your packaging too, use branded packaging as this will get seen by many people on route to your customer. The idea is to get the brand out there as much as possible so that people over and over. Your brand then becomes pretty much a part of their subconscious. When they see a product, they will think of you.
Help in the Local Community
There may be scope for you to host a talk at a local event. You could use the platform to talk about the business and how it helps the local community and what you’re doing as part of your social and corporate responsibility. If the company is technical, you could explain how things work. It could be educational for children, specifically. You could also join local business groups, and together you could all discuss the future plans of the town, and each of you could help increase each other’s brand by advertising it in shop. Local networking is a great way to enhance your brand in the community positively.