Career Development Q&A: What should you have printed on your business card these days or are they "so last year"? ANSWER: Business cards are still useful today. It’s still better to be able to keep all the relevant business Q&A: Google+ Have you seen any results? Answer: While we haven’t felt its effect like that of Twitter and Facebook, being on Google+ does help with your 4 Ideas for Email Marketing on Valentine's Day So much focus is placed on marketing during holidays like Christmas and New Year's that Valentine's day is often forgotten. As Essential Steps to Better Email Marketing Part 3: The Human Factor In part one and two of this series, nine steps including technical and planning issues that impact email marketing campaigns were Essential Steps to Better Email Marketing: Part 2 In part one of this series, we discussed some of the basic steps required to build a successful email marketing campaign. Essential Steps to Better Email Marketing: Part 1 Email marketing is a powerful tool if placed in the right hands. The tool does, however, need to be properly used 4 Disturbing Reasons Why B2B Companies Fail Horribly With Social Media It is apparent that social media plays an important role in the B2B industry; however, a lot of business people QR Codes for Marketing: Do they Add any Value to Business Marketing? For quite some time now, businesses and marketers had set their eyes on QR codes as an interesting development. Many 4 Things that can Make Your Blog Undermine Your Brand A brand is much more than just the logo or the name of your business. It is the complete image Have You Thought about Launching a Mobile Website? If you have currently been operating a commercial website, or perhaps thinking of setting up one, you need to know « Previous 1 … 332 333 334 335 336 … 346 Next »