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4 Disturbing Reasons Why B2B Companies Fail Horribly With Social Media

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It is apparent that social media plays an important role in the B2B industry; however, a lot of business people still make blunders when doing social media marketing. Well, it is no one’s fault that the failure rate is astonishingly high, and those who fail are still brave enough to give it another try. Let’s look at the basic problems many businesses face and the reasons why B2B companies are not succeeding with social media.

1) Ignoring Paid Social Media

Many businesses avert from using paid social media marketing for their advertisements. . Paid social media marketing services on spaces such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn can boost your organic marketing efforts. Advertising through paid social media can help you establish new connections in social networks. Remember, the more you share and engage, the more leads you get.

2) Poor Investment in Content

A few years ago, B2B marketing was limited by space. Marketers were compelled to work on direct mails in order to communicate their message. But, with the development of social web, the space is unlimited. With this vastness in space comes the problem of getting leads and attention as marketers now need a great deal of content. If you are going to publish one blog post per week then you may not make much impact. The challenge arises from the content demand placed on marketers, something which many teams find hard to manage on a regular basis. It might help if you shift your focus from paid ads to generating more content and resources for your community.

3) Examining the Wrong Data

Social media is basically an alternative marketing channel, but many users get carried away by the topic of followers, engagement, and metrics. Therefore, instead of focusing on having a social media presence, you should use existing tools and spaces much in the same way as you would use other marketing channels. Specifically, look at key metrics such as visitor/follower to lead and customer conversion rates.

4) No Management Support

Moreover, social media projects cannot be executed by one person. It is not a one-man show or project; it requires joint effort. If you want your social media engagement to pay off in the long term then you have to get everybody on board from the sales, marketing, and most importantly, the management. Building an all-inclusive social media model increases the rate of success in lead generation.

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