Whether you are just thinking about starting your own business or you have taken the plunge and are now in business, today’s post offers a few words of wisdom for you. This is our invaluable advice for your startup business.
The Customer Is Always Right
We know this is an old adage, but it is one that bears repeating. This is one that we have heard more and more business owners contesting in recent times, and we can understand why. Our digital age has brought with it keyboard warriors who do not hold back when attacking your business, and this can often be unjust. These customers may not be right, these particular customers may just like to moan, however it is unwise to dismiss all complaints as falling into this category.
Make it a priority to gain customer feedback regularly and act upon it to improve your service. If a customer takes the time to bring an issue to your attention, listen to them, ask further questions and remedy it. Your business will be the better for it.
Go Digital Immediately
Any business, in any industry, will benefit from going digital in some capacity. This might be online sales and orders if that works for you, though this is not necessary within every business model. What is necessary is a well-designed and informative website and social media channels.
Potential customers expect to be able to find your business online. A business that is online can attract potential customers.
If this is not your area of expertise, get help with setting everything up. You will want to register your business name as your domain as soon as you launch and get those social media handles in place.
Take Any Help That’s Available
It is a misconception that you are in this alone. You are absolutely not alone, there is plenty of support out there for you, so we would recommend that you take any help that is available to you.
There are endless online blogs, guides and courses aimed at supporting the small business owner, along with clubs, networks and forums. There are also experts in every field of business just ready to step in and help.
To avoid struggling and potential bankruptcy, take that help from the outset rather than leaving it until it is too late.
Place Yourself Up front and Center
You are the beating heart of your business and as such you must place yourself up front and center. You need customers to get to know you and buy into all that you do, you need to network and your team needs to feel that you are leading them.
You need to be a strong leader if you have a team. We appreciate that leadership is not something that comes naturally to everyone, but let your passion for your work guide you here. Your team needs clear direction, they need to feel valued for their hard work and they need to see that you are in control. You can do this, and you will soon develop your own leadership style.