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Make 2020 A Green Business Year

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New year, new business plan! With 2020 marking the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, it’s impossible to ignore your environmental impact any longer. However, for small businesses, the introduction of life-changing green strategies can be a source of financial instability. When you work with a limited budget, you need to make decisions based on how much you can afford to invest rather than how it will affect your carbon footprint. There is no denying that going green and maintaining your productivity and cash flow seems like an impossible challenge. But you can find your way around it by focusing on tactical activities that don’t break the bank.

Keep Informed about the Latest Regulations and Insights

Any business that is involved in the building sector – as a professional building company or as an independent engineer or architect – needs to understand how to conduct a green building commission. Indeed, you can add energy management certifications to your portfolio with the support of the AABC Commissioning Group to bring your activities to the next level. Embracing green perspectives and gaining insights into the necessary standards and technologies that make a difference can guide you in future projects. Experts in other sectors can find similar organizations that offer environmentally-focused knowledge and qualifications. Ultimately, when you know what a green project should look like, it’s easier to design for it.

Re-Organize Your Premises for Energy-Efficiency

Making positive transformations that will reduce your energy consumption is a lot easier than it seems. Switching your light bulbs for LED alternatives, for instance, can make a significant difference in a large office. Additionally, you can also extend the swap to your car park lights, to ensure that your staff has access to an eco-friendly lit space. You can even find outdoor lights that are equipped with small solar panels to produce their own energy. Maximizing natural light can be a challenge in winter. However, some companies choose to run summer and winter office hours to make the most of the sun exposure.

Embrace remote working options

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When flexible opening hours is not an option, you may want to consider remote working arrangements. Telecommuting cuts back dramatically on your business energy consumption, without mentioning air pollution and oil consumption for commuters. Working from home is not only beneficial for the environment, but it can also boost your business productivity and performance over time while keeping your costs down. It’s a win-win situation for everyone. As a company, you’ll also find that your employees prefer that option that allows them to manage their time freely and be available for their families.

Cut down on waste

Finally, reducing your plastic waste is a priority. Plastic items have a damaging impact on the environment, affecting the survival of millions of animals in the sea and on land. The best approach to get rid of plastic waste is to look for alternatives, such as using glass bottles for your drink deliveries or switching cleaning suppliers.

The idea that you need to build sufficient capital to create a green business is absurd. On the contrary, small businesses can introduce life-changing transformations without worrying about their finances.

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